Thomas Wictor

Nicholas Kristof, Hamas stenographer

Nicholas Kristof, Hamas stenographer

The New York Times seems to have an exceptionally close relationship with Hamas. Tyler Hicks got to witness and photograph events closed to all other western journalists, and now Nicholas Kristof has written an opinion piece that would bring a smile to the face of the most hardened terrorist of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. Kristof’s shameless propaganda is titled “Winds of War in Gaza.”

These are the tweets that made me read Kristof’s utterly repellant garbage.



No. It’s a mortar round, not a bomb. Initially I thought it was a Russian 82mm round, of the type that Hamas uses. Actually it’s an Israeli 81mm mortar smoke round. That means it’s not an explosive munition. Here’s an inert practice round of the same caliber.


The white rope-like material around the tail is the explosive charge that propels the mortar round out of the tube.

Kristof didn’t bother to check his facts because he’d already written his opinion piece in his mind. The narrative is that the Gazans are suffering because of Israel. It’s a flat-out lie.

The Kristof column says that tens of thousands of Gazans remain homeless. I don’t believe it.



If 18,000 of 957,019 housing units were destroyed or severely damaged, that’s 1.8 percent. Kristof’s own video shows who’s responsible for the destruction of most homes.

No fragmentation damage, no craters, walls sheered off, and ceilings intact means a Hamas improvised explosive device (IED) detonated nearby, probably in the lot on the right.


Evidence of more Hamas IEDs.


Round pockmarks means Hamas rockets.


More Hamas rocket damage.


Kristof visits an ice-cream factory that he says was bombed by the Israelis. The bricks on the wall fell inward, indicating that a projectile struck the side of the building, not the roof.


It was another terrorist rocket. The second shot confirms it.


No fragmentation damage anywhere. That building was not hit by aerial munitions.

Guess who’s trying to help the Gazans rebuild?

Building supplies to repair housing interiors entered Gaza on Thursday for the first time since Operation Protective Edge began on July 8, less then two days since the current cease-fire went into effect. Quantities of window glass and ceramic tiles rolled into the Strip from Israel on trucks at the Kerem Shalom crossing.

It is expected that cement and iron for housing reconstruction will soon follow, first under the auspices of an international organization and after that via the free market, said Ami Shaked, who oversees the crossing.

Guess who’s ignoring the plight of the Gazans?

Hamas Focuses on Rebuilding Tunnels as Gazans Suffer

Hamas’ focus on reconstructing its tunnels, while ignoring the lack of housing in Gaza points to the military wing’s dominance in the organization.

By: Shlomi Eldar, Columnist for Al-Monitor

Hamas’ military wing has been vigorously repairing the damage from last summer’s Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip, including investing great efforts in rebuilding its system of tunnels. The first such public indication of this was the arrest this week of three Israelis — two businessmen and a resident of a community on the Gaza periphery. The three men are suspected of having supplied Hamas with metal bars and sheet metal for construction, electric and electronic devices, communications equipment and various other industrial materials that were smuggled clandestinely into Gaza…

The rampant tunnel reconstruction is not only indicative of the military wing’s conduct, but also of the warped priorities of a movement that started out as a welfare organization. The military wing has risen against its founders.

Guess which international organization is making a mess of rebuilding Gaza?

Corruption hampers effort to rebuild Gaza after summer conflict

Coupon plan fails to stop black market in cement, while too few materials are making it across border into strip

Amid mounting criticism of the pace of the rebuilding effort, the Guardian has established that a controversial UN-designed mechanism to control the supply of building materials – and prevent them falling into the hands of the militant group Hamas – has been widely corrupted…

Under the scheme householders are assessed to see if they qualify for rebuilding materials, then registered and issued with a coupon allowing them to buy a specified amount of materials from warehouses monitored by a UN-administered inspection regime.

During a recent visit to cement warehouses in Gaza, however, the Guardian saw cement being resold a few feet outside the warehouse doors at up to four times the cost within minutes of being handed over to householders with coupons.

Elsewhere, the Guardian heard allegations of officials taking bribes to produce coupons for more concrete than was needed by householders, so the excess could be resold on the black market, with licensed dealers either turning a blind eye to fraud or participating in it.

So, the same Palestinians who are whining about being homeless are selling their cement for four times what they paid for it. Take a wild guess: Are they really homeless?

Kristof interviewed twenty-four-year-old Aya Abit, married to a man living in the West Bank.


They both say she’s not permitted to leave Gaza, so the father has never seen his five-month old son. Due to the flagrant dishonesty of journalists and “human rights” organizations, it took me hours of searching to find evidence that Israel does indeed allow Gazan wives to join their husbands in the West Bank.


That paragraph makes it sound commonplace, which I’m sure it is.

Nobody ever addresses why the Israelis impose travel restrictions on Palestinians. I have an idea why.

In the Kristof video, he talks to a couple of teenage boys, one of whom now supports terrorism.


Do those kids look like they’re impoverished and suffering? Note that they both play the oud.


How much does a Palestinian oud cost? Any idea?


Yup. It costs 500 Euro, or about $542.

Then Kristof talks to another kid whose friend was killed firing rockets at Israel. That means the dead guy was a terrorist. Here’s the martyrdom poster of the “friend.”


He’s obviously the kid’s older brother. The facial resemblance is unmistakable, and why else would they have the poster on the wall of their home? Palestinians lie even when it’s not necessary. The younger brother says he wants to kill all Israelis. That’s because he’s a psychopath. He looks like the homicidal Private Pyle in the Stanley Kubrick movie Full Metal Jacket.


At the end of the New York Times video, here’s what Kristof says.

Gaza has now hit a new low, and the way to break the cycle is for Israel to ease the embargo and let everyday Palestinians be people.

Nicholas Kristof obviously wants many more Palestinians to be killed. Without the embargo, Hamas would have a missile arsenal as large as that of Hezbollah. If Hamas is allowed to build up that sort of capability, Israel will have no choice but to fight without any rules of engagement. Kristof repeats the lie that 70 percent of the Palestinians killed in Operation Protective Edge were civilians. Nobody sentient believes that. It’s a blood libel. My own estimate is much closer to reality.


Although Palestinians may not have jobs, and their per capita GDP is shrinking, they’re not starving. That’s because the Palestinians are doing fine in the international humanitarian aid department. In 2012 the Palestinians were the world’s third-largest recipients per capita of international humanitarian aid, a figure that more than doubles when you add in other official development assistance (ODA). Contributions from private donors aren’t recorded, and many governments don’t report how much they give. Thus the total amount of aid the Palestinians receive is unknown.

That’s why they can afford expensive clothes, glasses, and ouds. Kristof said Gaza is beginning to resemble the world’s largest open-air prison that people often say it is. No, it’s the world’s largest open-air welfare state. I used the term “open air” because it’s so stupid. How many Palestinians live out in the open?

Kristof began his piece with a shot of Rabah, an eight-year-old Palestinian boy who wears no shoes, even though the UN gave him some.


Rabah said he needed to save his shoes for school, but look what Kristof’s cameraman filmed.

shoe_for Palestinian_boy

Looks brand new to me. Does anyone believe that Rabah has no shoes? If he actually doesn’t, Kristof should’ve bought him a pair. I’m sure he didn’t.

When he arrived in Sudan that weekend, [Kristof] said, “I’ll be out to find the most compelling story that I can within a limited time.” He predicted that he’d hear “some heartrending story about some 30-year-old man. And, frankly, I will know that I can do better as an anecdote. I want to get American readers to care about my story, and if I have some middle-aged man in my lede, they’re going to tune out.” Instead, Kristof would hold out for a more compelling subject, like “some 9-year-old girl with soulful eyes.”

Kristof feels lousy when he has to “cut somebody off and say, ‘It’s terrible that you were shot in the leg,’ ” he said. “Meanwhile, I will go off and find someone who was shot in both legs.” But he does it because he knows that if he finds a compelling story abroad, Americans back home will line up to help. “I want to make people spill their coffee when they read the column,” he said. “I do want them to go and donate, volunteer, whatever it may be, to help chip away at some of these problems.”

In other words, he writes for idiots, and his approach encourages dishonesty. The road to “compelling” news stories leads to one inevitable, horrific destination.


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