Thomas Wictor

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Firepower now has multiple applications

For centuries, firepower meant only one thing. The “best” weapons killed the largest number of people in the the shortest amount of time. Probably in around 2005, the Gulf Cooperation Council made peace with Israel. Together they created weapons that increase firepower and narrow its scope. To me, the motivation doesn’t matter. I don’t care…


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Perfect Arab League commando operation: video

Why do I say that Arab League strategic special operators are the best soldiers in human history? Evidence. Over a year ago, I began studying reports from Yemen and Syria. They told me that somebody with perfect military skills was achieving incredible victories. The videos show tactics that no western power uses. It’s not possible…


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Useless “analysts” and “experts” should shut up

Every day, we see more useless blather from self-described experts on the Middle East. These people are all idiots. Their opinions are completely wrong. All they need to do is study munitions and military operations. Then they’ll know the truth. Let me show you how easy it is. One of these men fighting for the…


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Fake video of Russian helicopter being shot down

The Kremlin says that the Islamic State shot down a helicopter gunship, killing two Russian crewmen. For its part, the Islamic State put out a video showing the helicopter crashing. Both Russia and the Islamic State are lying. The video is fake. Someone created it using computer-generated imagery (CGI). Fake Russian announcement Here’s what the…


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Machinations are not the same as conspiracies

Well-meaning people direct the close minded to my blog. The usual response is, “It’s just a bunch of conspiracy theories.” No. I write about machinations, not conspiracies. Here’s the difference. Conspiracy: a secret plan that two or more people hatch in order to do something harmful or illegal. Machination: a complicated secret plan. Guess who…


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Unconventional warfare requires unconventional strategies

Recently I decided to stop blogging. Since my Webmaster thinks that this is insane, here’s the new plan: I’ll take a hiatus instead. I need a long break from those who hate and fear unconventional thinking. One unconventional solution This post provoked a large number of “military experts” into assaulting me in the most personally…


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Comparison: self-defense and intent to murder

Words have meanings. Every single time that an Israeli soldier kills a Palestinian, the world screams “MURDER!” I support Israel, AND I support Saudi Arabia and Iraq. All three nations are doing incredible work to improve the Middle East. Therefore I don’t criticize these countries publicly. Others can do that. However, it’s time to make…


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October of 2015 won the wars in Syria and Iraq

The Arab League won the Syria and Iraq wars in October of 2015. From that point on, both conflicts would end in only one way: defeat for the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Bashar al-Assad, Iran, and Hezbollah. It’s very easy to see that this is the case. June 16, 2023 Kurdish militia called the Peoples’ Protection…


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Hidebound is another word that everyone should know

The reason that I’m a hermit is that most people are far too repulsive and belligerent for me to allow in my life. This is especially true in my main field of interest. Military buffs tend to be aggressively ignorant and hidebound. Because I don’t think like them, they’ve begun the fifth large-scale round of…


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Psychopaths are reporting the news from Iraq

I learned in 2014 that most western journalists are psychopaths, meaning they lack a conscience and have antisocial tendencies. The current depraved version of events in Iraq is a perfect example of what these creatures produce. This is an attempt to once again both denigrate those fighting for freedom and inflate the capabilities of the…


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