Thomas Wictor

Unconventional warfare requires unconventional strategies

Unconventional warfare requires unconventional strategies

Recently I decided to stop blogging. Since my Webmaster thinks that this is insane, here’s the new plan: I’ll take a hiatus instead. I need a long break from those who hate and fear unconventional thinking.

One unconventional solution

This post provoked a large number of “military experts” into assaulting me in the most personally vicious ways possible. All I said was that Iraqi forces had foreign advisers during the Third Battle of Fallujah (May 22 to June 28, 2023). Much older Iraqi commanders conferred with these young men several times.

Below, we see one of the young black men (red arrow) listening in on a conversation with the commander of the ground operations (green arrow), a major general.

This Iraqi major general wears the shoulder patches of the Federal Police Command.

He’s very well connected. Someone photographed him with Iranian Quds Force chief Major General Qassem Suleimani (far left) and Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour, Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Ground Forces.

Propagandists claimed that this showed that Iran was in charge of the 2016 operation to liberate Fallujah. However, the photo above is at least two years old. Today, Qassem Suleimani is dead, Mohammad Pakpour has white hair, and the Iraqi major general is much slimmer.

Furthermore, he’s clean shaven.

So, why do young, unarmed black men seem to perform the same function as Major General Qassem Suleimani and Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour?

Because they’re military advisers. That’s the only answer.

Unconventional on every level

Many of the “military experts” who violently disagreed with me said that these young black men were merely Afro-Iraqis. Well, the only problems with that theory is that Afro-Iraqis live mostly in Basra—far to the south—and they face widespread societal discrimination. Iraqis call them abd, which means “slave” in Arabic. They have no political representation, and it’s very difficult for them to find jobs.

Would Iraqi major generals be conferring with unarmed, young Afro-Iraqi “slaves”? My best guess is that they’re members of the Eritrean 525th Commando Division. On December 20, 2015, Eritrea joined the Saudi-led military alliance against terrorism. China trains Eritrean commandos, and now so does Saudi Arabia. It’s extremely likely that Israel does too. As a result, the soldiers are extremely capable.

Another combat video from Fallujah.

Did you see anything different about the running black soldier below?

Unlike the Iraqis, he looks for danger everywhere. In addition, he’s armed with a US M249 Special Purpose Weapon (SPW), a special-operator’s version of the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW). The M249 SPW is shorter, lighter, and has a pistol grip ahead of the ammunition box. I’ve never seen an Iraqi with an M249 SPW. They all have the regular SAW.

“Military experts” have to accept reality. Commandos from African and Arab nations are helping the Iraqis.

Unconventional warriors who stink

Social media is a giant cesspool of lies and propaganda. Most people uncritically accept what they’re told. This, for example.

The Twitter user @moonnor27 is trying to get people killed. This video obviously shows Iranian fighters in Syria.

Go ahead and look: You’ll never find photos or videos of soldiers wearing Iranian flags in Iraq. These are Syrian flags below.

The Iranians are too smart to wear their provocative flags in Iraq.

Not unconventional

After the US overthrew Saddam Hussein in March of 2003, both the Iranians and al-Qaeda began massacring Iraqis in order to create a sectarian civil war. Al-Qaeda and Iran worked together, because each side was confident that it could eventually defeat the other.

The same thing is happening all over again. “Military experts” and angry Muslims said I was crazy for claiming that Iran is arming the Islamic State. Well, what do you think of this?

From the very start in Syria, the Assad regime bet on provokatsiya (provocation), the Russian-perfected tactic of taking strategic control of one’s enemies to have them discredit themselves, of creating problems in order to solve them—which has been serving Moscow since the 1880s. Assad said the rebellion was a jihadist conspiracy, and he was the last line of defence against the Islamist hordes who would destroy the minorities. Then Assad and his Iranian and Russian patrons took steps to make it come true.

“Assad first changed the narrative of the newborn Syrian revolution to one of sectarianism, not reform,” a defected Syrian diplomat noted, after which “the Assad regime and Iran … meticulously nurtured the rise of al-Qaeda, and then ISIS, in Syria.” Assad disseminated videos of Sunnis tortured into saying Assad was god and of mosques being desecrated. Alawi paramilitaries were sent to massacre Sunni civilians. Assad not only released the violent Salafists—some of whom went on to be ISIS emirs—while continuing to arrest and kill the secular activists, but “facilitated [the extremists] in their work, in their creation of armed brigades”.

Another unconventional solution

Bassahr al-Assad’s crimes continued.

When these extremists responded to Assad’s sectarian provocations and killed members of the minorities, Assad allowed it in order to rally the compact communities round the regime, as Assadist defectors have explained. Once ISIS had taken hold, Assad avoided attacking it—since “letting black-clad terrorists run around … crucifying and beheading people made for great propaganda”—and Assad even provided ISIS a de facto air force when the rebels went on the offensive against ISIS in early 2014.

And Iran was there in the middle of it all, creating mayhem. How could anybody stop it?

With this.

Those men wear the shoulder badge of the Iraqi 7th Division, headquartered at Al Asad Air Base in Anbar Province. However, examine their faces. They belong to almost every ethnicity in the world.

Do you think I’ve said crazy things before tonight? How’s this: I think that this particular unit is actually Saudi-trained strategic special forces from the entire anti-terror coalition. No rank insignia, and they’ve stuffed cloth into the open lower receiver of their rifles to keep out the dust. Look at the man in the left foreground. He’s past forty, a major or colonel masquerading as an enlisted man.

Soldiers called the Afghanistan war the Special Forces Olympics. Every nation on earth sent operators there to gain experience. That’s what the Saudis are offering now. Military planners calculate that combat experience is roughly ten times more valuable than any level of training.

I said it before: The Arab League is waging an insurgency against the insurgents. While the west saw everything in terms of asymmetrical warfare and counter-insurgency (COIN), the Arab League and its allies fought exactly the way their enemies fight.

But with vastly more skill and much better weapons.

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