Thomas Wictor

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The Israeli Air Force didn’t kill the boys on the beach

I got a belligerent message asking me to “prove” that the Israeli Air Force didn’t kill the four Bakr boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. From a forensic standpoint, this is incredibly easy to do, so I’m happy to oblige. First, we’ll re-emphasize that the Israeli Navy denies firing on the beach. That…


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About that IDF criminal investigation

Several people have sent me links to stories on the IDF criminal investigation into the deaths of the four Bakr boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. Since I’ve heard some very disquieting things from my Israeli contacts, I tweeted the timeline of what I call Operation Four Little Martyrs to IDF spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel…


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A state of perpetual war

Today I had a Twitter exchange with the sort of Muslim that the press wants us to believe doesn’t really exist. He not only exists, we’ve been at war with his compatriots for centuries now. His worldview is that humankind will remain in a state of perpetual war until everybody either converts to Islam, submits…


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Some perspective from a Third Worlder

I like living in the United States. It’s a great privilege. However, too many of my fellow Americans are idiots. The current fad is to march and protest because police kill black men. No other people count, which proves that the marchers and protestors are acting in bad faith. They don’t actually care about police…


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Issue a retraction, Human Rights Watch

The corrupt, Jew-hating non-governmental organization (NGO) Human Rights Watch claims that Israel committed a war crime by attacking the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) Elementary Girls School A and B at Jabalia on July 30, 2014. For this assessment they relied on “investigator” Fred Abrahams, who has no background in the military or weaponry….


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An anti-American American school

From January of 1975 to June of 1978, I attended the American School of the Hague (ASH) in the Netherlands. Calling it an American school was a misnomer, since only about a quarter of the students came from the United States. Despite its name, it was very anti-American. The US was the source of all…


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Ship of Fools

My post Tell Me Again that Hatred of Jews Isn’t a Factor has received some pushback from Jewish people. They think my assessment of western media is too harsh. To recap, my position is that reporters don’t “get Israel wrong”; they deliberately misrepresent Israel because they hate Jews. The comments I’ve gotten remind of one…


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Tell me again that hatred of Jews isn’t a factor

Former Associated Press journalist and editor Matti Friedman has written a piece titled “What the Media Gets Wrong About Israel.” It’s a good article about how the global press is biased against Israel, but there’s a giant hole in it: Why—of all the nations on earth—has the media chosen Israel as the subject of transparently…


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Just a reminder of what happens

Here’s a reminder of what happens to people who continually attack me. 1. An Australian Web designer used my money to eat at expensive restaurants, where she photographed the meals. She also threw parties, at which she photographed the food. I discovered this after she missed every deadline in our contract. My father died February…


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How not to raise children

I don’t envy parents today. Parenting is truly the hardest, most important job in the world. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach on how to raise children, but parents should never instill fear based on political orthodoxy and intellectual laziness. This photo has been published everywhere, as it deserves to be. It took place at a protest…


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