Thomas Wictor

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All white men are boring, mediocre actors

For whatever reason, a man named Bill Homewood has become obsessed with my posts about Israel. When Operation Protective Edge ended, I thought Bill went back to whatever he was doing before he began spamming me with Palestinian propaganda. But he’s returned, and now he’s sizzling with rage. Bill taught me that all white men…


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You can ask me questions if you want

Last night I posted about a formative experience, witnessing a murder when I was three. There were several reasons why I posted about this. If you have questions that don’t require me to reveal factual details, send them to me, and I’ll answer them in a future post. The two main reasons I posted were…


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A secret revealed

People ask me why I’m so unforgiving of criminals and terrorists. I understand the distaste they feel at my uncompromising approach to fighting evil. Yes, criminals and terrorists are evil. They do what they do because they enjoy it. That’s all there is to it. The vast majority of you will never experience what I…


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Indestructible denial

Very few things really anger me. One human failing for which I feel a lot of hostility is denial. I’ve noticed that deniers often think of themselves as superior to others, which is grotesque, since they’re living in a fantasy world. When someone uses their delusions as evidence that they have the upper hand, it…


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Hacked again; up and running again

Sometime last night my Website was hacked again. My guess it was my post “Submission,” in which I explained that I never join groups and I refuse to give in to threats. I have a private server now, so we can track down the hackers by looking at the log books. That information has…


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Last night I wrote a post titled “I was a member of a depraved culture.” It’s about my ten years in the Los Angeles entertainment world. Today I read a comment by a former production assistant (PA) who wrote in response to my post that she only lasted a year in the business. The reason…


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I was a member of a depraved culture

I was sent a comment that a Jewish man wrote about my post “The utter depravity of Palestinian culture.” I’ll get to the comment in a minute. But for ten years I was a member of an utterly depraved culture. After I describe it to you, I want those of you who think it’s “racist”…


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A fact-based rebuttal from Opposite World

The Political Director(?) of Huffington Post UK is Mehdi Hasan. He lives in Opposite World, from which he wrote his piece “Debunking Israel’s 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes.” Well, all that energy he puts into directing politics has sapped him of the ability to write elegant headlines and cogent articles.In regard…


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It’s not racist to criticize a culture

I’ve gotten several messages telling me that my post “The Utter Depravity of Palestinian Culture” is racist. This is a deeply silly notion. A culture is not a race. There’s no such thing as the “Palestinian race.” These are Palestinians. The two men are Palestinians. Two Palestinian girls confront Israeli soldiers. A Palestinian Hamas sympathizer….


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The utter depravity of Palestinian culture

Regarding the Palestinian terrorist attack on the synagogue in Har Nof, West Jerusalem, yesterday, in which three rabbis, one worshiper, and one police officer were murdered, several people have asked me, “How could someone do such a thing?” The terrorists were armed with a gun, knives, and a meat cleaver; they partially dismembered their victims…


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