Thomas Wictor

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Bureaucracy is why this keeps happening

Today an Israeli told me that the bureaucracy of the Israeli Defense Forces is the reason that transparent lies are allowed gain traction. The bureaucracy says that nobody has enough time to debunk the fabrications, and there isn’t enough money in the budget to do so. Well, I don’t accept that. The real problem is…


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They hate you because of envy and fear

A Jewish woman responded in despair to my post about Norwegian terrorist co-conspirator Dr. Mads Gilbert being banned for life from using Israel as his entry point into Gaza. She wondered if Jew-hate would forever trump facts. I think the answer is “Yes,” because the animosity people feel toward Jews is based on envy and…


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Don’t worry: I judge you by the measures you take

Ahmed Yousef has written an opinion piece for the boneheads of the Guardian: “Judge Hamas on the Measures it Takes for its People.” Well, I do judge Hamas by the measures you take, Ahmed. That’s why I find your politico-religious movement absolutely reprehensible. If you were Caucasian American Baptists, how would the world feel about…


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A despicable liar gets what he deserves

Israel has banned the despicable liar Dr. Mads Gilbert from entering Gaza. Forever. This had to be done. Gilbert’s accusations of war crimes and atrocities committed by the Israeli Defense Forces are taken as gospel by drooling ignoramuses, and they’re cynically used by governments to bolster their Jew-hating policies. Here’s Gilbert looking sad, wearing a…


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A bayonet in the guts—for twelve hours

I have gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining. It causes the worst physical pain I’ve ever felt. The closest analogy is a bayonet in the guts. With me, it lasts eight to twelve hours. I woke up this morning at four, in the early stages of a gastritis attack. As I figured it would,…


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A Druid in Los Angeles

Stephen Jay is a druid. He’s also been “Weird Al” Yankovic’s bassist for over thirty years. However, he’s also a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, lyricist, and classically trained composer who studied with John Cage, Lukas Foss, Max Neuhaus, and Charles Wuorinen, and he’s a music ethnographer who’s traveled the world playing with and recording folk musicians from…


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An American veteran you should know

I’d like to introduce you to an American veteran you should know. The only information I have about him is his name. That alone is pretty astounding, but there’s something else you’ll see that will inspire you to aspire. Meaning, I hope this post will help you see that daunting odds can generally be overcome….


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Always believe the opposite of what the press says

Whatever the press says about Israel, always believe the opposite. You can’t go wrong. The latest blatant lie being told is that police “shot Khair al-din Hamdan as he was backing away.” Robert Tait of the Telegraph is typical of the totally dishonest Jew-haters pretending to be journalists. Israeli police officers have been accused of…


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There will be no documentary

There will be no documentary made about Operation Four Little Martyrs, the Hamas deception that took place on the Gaza Beach, July 16, 2014. I was in talks with the filmmaker Pierre Rehov, but it simply wasn’t possible for me to gather the material and raise the funds in time. Mr. Rehov had to make…


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Arms manufacturers hate war

In response to my post about how I live in a binary world when in comes to terrorism, someone said to me that war is the result of arms manufacturers pushing nations into conflict so they can sell more weapons. This is absolutely untrue. The one group of people who hate war is arms manufacturers,…


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