Thomas Wictor

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Yes, I live in a binary world

Recently Germany saw riots between Kurds and supporters of the Islamic State. German authorities were horrified by the brutality of people who openly endorse mass murder in the name of religion. I have no patience or sympathy for this indestructible denial. When it comes to terrorism, I live in a binary world. The choice is…


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Damage done by Israeli weapons

A reader asked me to do something that required all my researching skills. She very reasonably asked me to show the damage done by Israeli weapons. I read your blog posts regularly, and I noticed that you talk a lot about what Israeli explosions don’t look like. You’ve shown us a lot of Hamas-conducted explosions…


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Conversation with a hater of Jews

This is a fairly typical conversation with a hater of Jews. Since he posted this publicly on Facebook, I was going to use his name and photo. However, after seeing his page, I don’t have the heart to do that to him. He’s a very angry, lonely, bitter young man who wants to get on…


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New York Times, please contact the Mossad

Last night I was looking for photos of explosions in Gaza that I could check using the equalization technique. This method of exposing composite images was given to me by a Czech photographer angry at the injustice to which Israel is subjected. In my search, I discovered that a photographer who has no such scruples…


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The flocking hefters of the anti-Israel movement

George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a furious warning about what happens when political leaders become corrupt and the public decides to scoop out its brains and fling them against the wall. I read the book only once; that was enough. Orwell was one of the greatest thinkers in human history. What’s hideously ironic—and extremely funny…


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Contest: Make me a video

I need a video of Operation Four Little Martyrs, but none of the professionals I’ve queried will make one for me. Anti-Israel sentiment is the main culprit, I’m sure, followed by peer pressure and fear of reprisals by terrorists. Since I really want a video, I’ve decided to host a contest. There will be three…


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Exposing composite photos

I was absolutely sure that the world press published massive numbers of composite photos during Operation Protective Edge. Though I couldn’t prove it technically, I relied on my knowledge of munitions. Yesterday a professional photographer from the Czech Republic sent me a message explaining how I can determine whether or not a photo is real….


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I pass AND Fail the Israel Test

An Israeli alerted me to George Gilder’s Israel Test. Although I pass the test as Gilder lays it out, I fail it miserably in other ways. First the test. You won’t regret the four minutes and thirty-seven seconds you invest in watching this video. I’ve never been envious of anybody for any reason, because as…


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Yes, the press uses fake video

Two days ago I wrote a post explaining why I don’t contact the media about my Pallywood and Gaza beach analyses. In response people wrote to me that I’d crossed the line in accusing the press of using fake video. My reputation would suffer! I was giving ammunition to those who want to discredit me!…


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When idiots become journalists

Several people have sent me the link to “The Ghosts of Gaza: Israel’s Soldier Suicides,” by Creede Newton. It’s an utterly worthless piece of garbage, the result of what happens when idiots become journalists. There’s no bottom that Hamas will reach in its depravity, and riding right along with them are western reporters like Creede…


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