Thomas Wictor

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No, I don’t contact the media

Not a day goes by without someone asking me if I contact the media about my Pallywood posts or the posts on Operation Four Little Martyrs, my name for the Hamas deception on the beach in Gaza, July 16, 2014. There are lots of reasons why I don’t reach out to the press. However, that…


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The Pallywood ambulance game, Gaza beach

What follows is almost incomprehensible in its complexity and perversion. The ambulance game that Palestinians played on July 16, 2014, during Operation Four Little Martyrs, is exactly like the classic confidence trick. It’s called a shell game. Palestinians play it with ambulances, adding to the carnival-in-hell atmosphere of life in Gaza. Four ambulances were used…


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Reader questions, Hamas beach operation

I’ve gotten hundreds of reader questions about the Hamas deception operation that took place on the beach at Gaza, July 16, 2014. Though I have no doubt that my theories about Operation Four Little Martyrs are generally correct, nobody in the current Israeli government has contacted me. Several active-duty members of the Israeli Defense Forces…


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Coordination between the media and Hamas

Every Israeli and Jewish person who reads this will experience the death of hope for fair treatment. I’m sorry. Your anguish is something I share. That’s why I write these posts. We’re kindred spirits in that we’ve experienced terrible injustice. On the other hand, it’s vital for your safety that you know of the coordination…


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Gaza beach: Palestinians confirm wounded bomber theory

It’s not possible to know exactly what happened on the beach at Gaza, July 16, 2014. The only certainty is that it was a Hamas deception operation. Using a triple agent, Hamas lured the Israeli Defense Forces into firing a missile at a police post on the breakwater. Hamas had previously murdered four young boys…


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Cancer of the mind

There’s a cancer of the mind. It’s called “fantasy.” Like cheesecake, fantasy is great in controlled dosages. My brother Paul and my sister Carrie once made a cheesecake with strawberry topping, split it in half, and finished it down to the last crumb of graham-cracker crust. Neither of them ate cheesecake again for over twenty…


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No, I’m not a “truther”

From the beginning of Operation Protective Edge, people accused me of being a demented conspiracy theorist. That’s fine, but the reality is that I don’t believe in any of the classic conspiracy theories. Someone called me a “truther,” which originates from the “9/11 truth” movement. Well, we already know the truth bout 9/11: Khaled Sheik…


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The Hamas operational team, Gaza beach

I thought it might be useful for you to be given some context to the Hamas operational team that went into action on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. My goal is to help you understand that Israel is fighting a sophisticated enemy who makes up for his weakness in firepower by exploiting the media…


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Why did Hamas threaten journalists in Gaza?

When all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. Hamas is a group of murderous terrorists, so it makes terrible strategic blunders based on its bloodlust, obsession with control, and psychological projection. Criminals think everyone else is as dishonest as they are. In reality there was no need for Hamas to threaten journalists…


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Beach Operation: Just the Hamas actions

I’m getting more than three hundred e-mails a day now. It’s trying my patience. Not the amount, but the nature of the messages. People have to stop being so passive. When I began posting that the IDF would not have deliberately OR accidentally killed Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, Zakaria Bakr, and Ismail Bakr, there were…


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