Thomas Wictor

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Hamas used three IEDs in the Gaza beach operation

I knew immediately that the Israeli Defense Forces did not deliberately or accidentally kill four boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. The reason is that Israeli capabilities would’ve prevented it. I’ll prove that to you in a minute. One aspect of the operation that I couldn’t figure out was why so many reporters…


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No copyright on Pallywood and Gaza beach posts

All of the posts I’ve written on Pallywood and the Hamas Gaza beach operation may be used freely by anybody. They can be reposted, edited, changed, and translated without asking permission. Credit is not necessary. Rewrite them and post them under your own name. This includes professional journalists. I’m not interested in fame or recognition….


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Wall Street Journal confirms Hamas beach operation

It’s not often that you see one of your wild-eyed theories confirmed in its entirety. However, it’s happened. The Wall Street Journal has proven that I was right: On July 16, 2014, Hamas set in motion a plan to discredit Israel in the eyes of the world. Four boys were murdered, and the blame was…


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Hamas took control of the Bakr boys from paramedics

Yesterday I wrote that I would ease myself out of posting on Israeli matters. I was flooded with requests that I reconsider. Therefore I have. The posts will continue. Coincidentally or not, yesterday “Lorraine” sent me a link to an Australian Broadcasting Corporation story about Operation Four Little Martyrs, the killing of the four Bakr…


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Australian news broadcast proves Gaza beach hoax

I hadn’t watched the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s take on Operation Four Little Martyrs, the murders that Hamas carried out in order to blame Israel. It being Australia, the slant was predictable: How in the name all that’s holy and innocent did the evil Israelis kill these boys? Ironically the outraged Aussie journalists provide some of…


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This is why I said “No interviews”

After James Delingpole of Breitbart London wrote “Claim: The Four Palestinian Boys Killed on the Beach Were Not Blown Up by Israel but Murdered by Hamas,” I wrote a post to the media explaining that I would give no interviews on the topic. The main reason is that I don’t know how much damage I…


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The IDF killed no civilians in Gaza

Today I learned a fact that both exhilarated and depressed me. The exhilaration is the result of my faith in the Israeli Defense Forces being indisputably and permanently justified. However, I’m depressed because once again, prominent Israelis show me that they aren’t willing to debunk the lies that demonize and demoralize the fighting men and…


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Another reason you should never trust B’Tselem

B’Tselem is the “Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories,” as they call themselves in English. The organization a propaganda arm of the Palestinians. You should never trust them. Every single case they’ve used to beat Israel over the head is fraudulent. Their report of thirty-five people being killed in a four-story…


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Note to the media: Sorry, no interviews

Today one of my favorite columnists—James Delingpole—picked up the story of Operation Four Little Martyrs. That could mean that Israel’s name will soon be cleared. Media outlets are contacting me. I’m sorry to say that I’ll give no interviews on this. There are lots of reasons, but the main one is that the Israeli Defense…


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The shocking fraudulence of the TF1 News report

I wrote before about the TF1 News report on Operation Four Little Martyrs. It’s obvious that the piece is extremely dishonest. However, in a real X-Files moment, today I received some information from my contact “David,” whose name and whereabouts I don’t know. He sent me a photo and a casual message. Here’s “David’s” observation:…


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