Thomas Wictor

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How and when did the boys on the Gaza beach die?

There’s really no doubt that Hamas murdered Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, Zakaria Bakr, and Mohammed Bakr in order to blame the Israeli Defense Forces. I’ve been trying to unravel what I call Operation Four Little Martyrs, because I knew instantly that the IDF would neither deliberately nor accidentally kill four boys on a Gaza beach….


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The Hamas beach operation: a correction and more evidence

The Hamas propaganda exercise that killed four boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014, is so complicated that I’ve gotten many things wrong. Readers have asked me to go back and correct earlier impressions, but that would be dishonest. Instead, I’ll continuously update “Timeline of the Hamas Gaza beach operation.” That will always have…


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Timeline of the Hamas Gaza beach operation

Several people have asked me if I could create a timeline for the Hamas Gaza beach operation that killed Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, Zakaria Bakr, and Ismail Bakr on July 16, 2014. The Wall Street Journal confirmed my suspicions that this was a hoax, but that information was immediately buried. I found it only on…


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The Hamas Gaza beach operation grows in complexity

Yesterday I received the proof I needed that the French TF1 News footage allegedly shot on July 16, 2014, is fraudulent. It’s possible that the French reporters used two camera crews, but there’s no evidence of that. If they had used two camera crews, they edited their report to make it seem that only one…


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I’m living my favorite TV show

My favorite TV show of all time was The X-Files. There were episodes that were so brilliant that I hesitate to watch them again, for fear that they won’t be as great as I remember. The best episode is titled “All Souls.” It’s perfect because it has everything that moves me: pain, indescribable loss, letting…


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The IDF did not kill the boys on the Gaza beach

This post will prove to you that the Israeli Defense Forces did not kill the three running boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. Those boys were killed by Hamas. There’s no question. Since Hamas would not leave anything to chance, and since they’re demons in human form, I can state with confidence that…


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Anatomy of a Hamas deception operation

Boy, I hate the hackneyed quote, “We’re through the looking glass here, people.” It’s from the execrable film JFK, by Oliver Stone, and it means that you’re in Opposite World, where down is up and wrong is right. Well, we are—in fact—through the looking glass when it comes to the case of the four boys…


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Was the Gaza beach incident a setup?

Yesterday I updated a post about the four boys killed on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. The world reacted with revulsion and outrage to this incident, and the four boys became international symbols of innocence lost. Israeli artist Amir Schiby created a tribute to the boys, who are wrongly believed by most to have…


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Who killed the four boys on the Gaza beach?

On Twitter—a name I’m finding more and more apt by the day—someone did what he thought would be a drive-by trolling, accusing me of being a propagandist. We got into it, and eventually he accused Israel of committing a war crime by killing four Palestinian boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. Here’s how…


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Fake photos send a message

There’s an image making the rounds that appears to show an American soldier with his legs blown off, sitting in a chair, smoking a cigarette. It’s one of the many fake photos that either boost morale or sap it. I knew it wasn’t real; it took me three minutes to find the source. This is…


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