Thomas Wictor

Contest: Make me a video

Contest: Make me a video

I need a video of Operation Four Little Martyrs, but none of the professionals I’ve queried will make one for me. Anti-Israel sentiment is the main culprit, I’m sure, followed by peer pressure and fear of reprisals by terrorists. Since I really want a video, I’ve decided to host a contest. There will be three winners; the first-place video will go on my Website.

The prize for all three winners is the same: One copy each of Ghosts and Ballyhoo: Memoirs of a Failed L.A. Music Journalist and In Cold Sweat: Interviews with Really Scary Musicians, both signed by Scott Thunes and me.

Scott Thunes used to play for Frank Zappa. He’s easily one of the greatest bass guitarists in history, and he’s extremely entertaining as a person. That’s him on the left here.

Like me, he was run out of the music business because his approach was considered too radical.

If you decide to use ROYALTY FREE music in our video, I’ll reimburse the winners for the cost. The music must be somber and dignified, not cheesy horror-movie.

You’ll need someone to narrate it. I’ll provide the script below; it’s not necessary for you to be a native speaker of English. An accent is fine, as long as it isn’t too strong. You can deviate from the script. If you hire a professional narrator, I’ll reimburse the winners.

Although we could certainly put news footage and photos in our video—the concept of fair use allows it—I want to make sure that nobody has any reason whatsoever to hassle us legally. Therefore I’ve decided that we’ll use the Google Maps satellite shots of Gaza.


The first person to respond wants to use news clips and photos. He’s confident that fair use will cover it, and he’s right. If you want to use material from news broadcasts and Websites, feel free.

When you’ve made your video, upload it to YouTube and give it the “Private” setting. Contact me through the Website, and I’ll send you an e-mail address to plug in so that I can watch your video. You can remain anonymous, of course. The contest will end when I’ve gotten three videos that I like. If you want your name known, put whatever credits you want at the end.

Keep it simple. You can use animated explosions, moving lines for travel routes, ambulance icons, etc., but we want people to take this seriously.

Script and storyboard


On July 16, 2014, the State of Israel became the victim of a Palestinian terrorist deception that was likely years in the making. Four Palestinian boys were murdered in order to blame the Israeli Defense Forces.

The operation took place in Gaza harbor, on the breakwater and beach.

Several buildings were involved.

[Don’t read any of the numbers in the script. Highlight the buildings by briefly making them red or whatever color you choose.]

1. The Hamas Naval Police post on the breakwater. A weapons cache, it was partially destroyed by an Israeli air or naval strike at 2:00 a.m., July 10, 2014. Most of a steel container attached to the building remained. The press was told that this container was a fisherman’s shack.

2. The Adam Hotel. Terrorists set off an explosive in front of the terrace on July 16, 2014, at around 4:10 p.m.

3. The Roots Hotel. From the terrace cafe, observers would have been able to coordinate the entire operation.

4. The Commodore Hotel. Photos and video of the operation were taken from the second floor and distributed to the media.

5. The Palestine Hotel. The detonation of a terrorist improvised explosive device was filmed from here.

6. The Avenue Restaurant and Coffee Shop. It served as an assembly point for ambulances that terrorists commandeered.

7. The al-Andalus Wedding Hall and Restaurant. Employees gave fraudulent eyewitness accounts of what happened.

8. The Beach Hotel and Orient House. Photos of this establishment and its neighbor were used in composites created before July 16, 2014.

9. The Al-Deira Hotel. Many of the western journalists in Gaza stayed here.

10. The al-Ghifari Tower. Both terrorists and the western media filmed from the roof of this building.

On July 16, 2014, tents and other temporary structures on the beach served as hiding places for terrorists, explosives, and the dead bodies of three boys.


According to the Israelis, they were given intelligence that terrorists would use the steel container on the breakwater carry out an attack, most likely the firing of a missile at one of the hotels. Two adult males entered the steel container in the afternoon, observed by an Israel unmanned aerial vehicle.

At 4:10 p.m. terrorists detonated a large explosive below the terrace of the Adam Hotel (1). Seconds later, the Israelis fired an air-to-surface missile at the steel container (2). A terrorist cameraman filmed the aftermath of the missile strike from in front of the Commodore Hotel (3).

Less than five seconds after the missile strike, four boys in dark clothing were photographed running from the breakwater. They were either beneath or inside an abandoned cargo trailer at the base of the breakwater (1). Although they could have taken shelter in any one of five hotels and restaurants along the way, they chose instead to run 300 meters or 328 yards to the al-Deira Hotel (3).


As they ran, a second explosion took place behind them (2). Photos show that four boys and one adult male arrived at the al-Deira. Not a single photographer or cameraman in the hotel captured the drama on the beach, though several claimed to have witnessed it. The second explosion was a terrorist IED meant to simulate Israeli naval fire. At the hotel the adult male was immediately put into a taxi and driven away (4). The terrorist commander of the operation assisted.

Journalists and hotel staff gave first aid to two boys who were said to be injured. Photos indicate that they first bandaged the ankle of a boy they said was critically wounded in the chest by shrapnel. The other boy’s injuries were obviously inflicted before he ran to the hotel. His facial wounds did not bleed, and his severely broken arm could not have been caused by aerial munitions or falling into sand.

After putting the adult male into the taxi, the terrorist commander of the operation (1) walked down to the empty lot between the al-Andalus Wedding Hall and Restaurant and the Avenue Restaurant and Coffee Shop.

The first ambulance to arrive (2) drove into the empty lot and stopped in front of the terrorist commander. By parking so far from the breakwater, the paramedics ensured that journalists could film the recovery of the first dead child. By this time at least two dozen western and Palestinian reporters had gathered at the breakwater. They had walked past and filmed the area near the tents, where the bodies of the three other boys would later be placed. No reporter has commented on the fact that there were no corpses in the sand minutes after the Israeli missile strike.

Although the first ambulance parked in the vacant lot, a white TV truck (3) drove all the way to the breakwater. One western journalist tweeted that he found two deceased adult males in the police post, along with a dead boy. He later deleted this tweet without explanation. The TV truck was used to remove the bodies of the two men who served as sacrificial lambs in the operation.

On the breakwater the terribly mutilated body of a boy was found outside the smoldering steel container (1).

A terrorist masquerading as a TV journalist took control of the stretcher and directed the paramedics down to the beach. Surrounded by terrorist operatives and media, the paramedics took the first dead child to the ambulance (2) and departed to al-Shifa Hospital.

At this point all western journalists left the beach. None have offered an explanation for their actions.

A second ambulance (1) parked in front of the Beach Hotel and Orient House.

The paramedics were filmed returning from the beach empty handed. They then drove their ambulance to the corner of the Avenue Restaurant and Coffee Shop. A third ambulance (2) arrived and parked across the street. There was also a third explosion near or in the tents on the beach, time unknown. This detonation mutilated the bodies of the three boys who were filmed running on the beach the day before. One wore a green shirt, one a red, and one a gray. Terrorists murdered them soon after making them run. It’s almost certain that they were electrocuted; this would leave no marks and would prevent rigor mortis.

The third explosion also injured the bomber who set off the IEDs. He hid in the light-blue temporary structure behind the Avenue Restaurant and Coffee Shop.

At around 5:00 p.m., the dead bodies of the three boys were placed in the sand (1, 2, 3).

With much commotion the second ambulance (4) drove forward from the corner of the Avenue Restaurant and Coffee Shop and parked in front of the vacant lot. At the same time, the third ambulance (5) raced to the al-Deira Hotel to pick up the two injured boys. A western news crew filmed this from the roof of the al-Ghifari Tower (6).

First the dead boy in the green shirt (1) was picked up and carried toward the ambulance.


Seconds later two terrorists pulled the injured bomber (2) from the blue tentlike structure and transported him to the ambulance (3). Terrorists took both casualties from their original rescuers and placed them in the ambulance, where the commander of the operation sat.

A fourth ambulance (4) arrived and parked across the street as the injured bomber was being loaded into the third ambulance.

The paramedics from the fourth ambulance (2) ran down to the beach, filmed and guided by terrorists.


On the beach terrorists masquerading as journalists and bystanders took over. The final two corpses (3, 4) were placed on one stretcher while the third ambulance (1) disappeared.

Shouting loudly, terrorists and paramedics (1) ran the two obviously dead boys through the empty lot.


They loaded the corpses into the fourth ambulance (2), which had been moved across the street and parked in the lot.

The fourth ambulance (1) then drove to the al-Deira Hotel.

It joined the ambulance carrying the wounded boys, and both vehicles roared off to al-Shifa Hospital.

This is the shortest route from the al-Deira Hotel (1) to al-Shifa Hospital (2).


There’s no way of knowing if the ambulances actually took it.

At al-Shifa Hospital, the ambulance carrying the two injured boys from the al-Deira (1) arrived first.

It was quickly followed by the ambulance carrying the two dead boys (2) on one stretcher.

Next came the ambulance with the dead boy in the green shirt and the wounded bomber (1).

However, the bomber was no longer present. He had been eliminated somewhere along the way. Also, the dead body of the boy in the green shirt had been reversed on the stretcher so that he left the vehicle feet first, allowing for better photographs.

Although the ambulance carrying the boy found in the police post had left the beach first, it arrived fourth at the hospital.

The delay was caused by the paramedics stopping and enlarging the boy’s wounds. His injuries did not bleed—indicating that they were inflicted postmortem—but the stretcher was sloshing with fresh blood after the paramedics brought it out of the hospital.

Finally, two more ambulances arrived (1,2).

The first was the vehicle that had transported the two injured boys from the al-Deira Hotel. Now the patient was a terrorist seen earlier masquerading as a journalist. He was completely uninjured. The second ambulance brought in a dead child. Paramedics pretended to administer to him, but they used the Ambu bag or manual resuscitator backward.

By the end of the day, the steel container on the breakwater (1) had been scrubbed clean.

It was likely washed down with the hose of a fireboat, ridding it of whatever evidence may have remained.

This was one of the most sophisticated and complex terrorist deceptions ever carried out, but it could not have taken place without the complicity of the western media. Some even accompanied the terrorists every step of the way. What happened on the beach at Gaza went far beyond sympathizing. The press has become terrorist co-conspirators.

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