Thomas Wictor

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My next novel

Today I finished the outline for my next novel. All I’m going to say about this book is that it concerns a terrible suspicion. What does a person do when confronted with suspicion? Do you leave well enough alone, or do you look for the truth regardless of the damage it will do to yourself…


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A monster turns on its creators

By now you’ve probably heard that Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling was allegedly taped telling his mistress to not bring black people to the games and to not post photos on Instagram of herself with black men. The woman goes by several aliases, including V. Stiviano. She’s said to be part black and part…


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The Wahabbist bravely ran away

I’ve acquired a fan on YouTube. Well, not so much a fan as a foam-spewing Canadian cartoon made flesh. He’s now following me around and commenting when I comment. I challenged him to a debate, but the Wahabbist bravely ran away. It all started when I was looking for a specific video write a post…


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The sword is mightier than the mouth

Yesterday a writer got angry at me for pointing out that her Facebook post opposing the canonizing of the late Pope John Paul II was a waste of time. And I was right. The canonizing went ahead. The writer said that her task is to speak out against the Catholic church because of the ongoing…


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All I feel is happiness

When I see that others have what I didn’t, all I feel is happiness for them. Like this scene, for example. Lucky kid and fantastic man. The father is supportive to a superhuman degree, unashamed to show his love, proud, and uncompetitive. None of this “old lion versus young lion” stuff. “You are set for…


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A post I’ve been told to not write, Part One

I’ve been told to not write this, but I’m going to anyway. I think it’s important that a misconception be addressed, and I also don’t like the direction our country is heading. I’ve been there, and you’re not going to like what you’re helping create. When I say it’s important to address a misconception, I…


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A post I’ve been told to not write, Part Two

My economic history cont. To satisfy the gods of SEO, I must write “not write.” Having done so, back to my résumé. In January of 1992, I sent a proposal for an article to Jim Roberts, the editor of Bass Player. He accepted it, and it was published as “The Bass Gods of Japan” in…


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There. Glad THAT day is over

The day is over, and not a second too soon. It was a nonstop assault from beginning to end. I made a lot of decisions today, based on the behavior of my fellow humans. These changes won’t be made public. Call them new rules of engagement. First, thanks are in order to Tim, Ashley, Tony,…


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Things I never considered, part 80 trillion

I just got an e-mail that prompts me to post about something I never considered. It was a long message full of instructions on how I should change the way I write and live. I’ll address just one point because in our current culture, the classes are pitted against each other, and I don’t want…


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A squall

I had a very strange experience last night: a squall of uncontrollable emotion. It shows that things are always in flux. I guess I’ve buried some aspects of my life instead of accepting and incorporating them. The work must continue. After I take my nightly meds, I watch YouTube videos for a while, until I’m…


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