Thomas Wictor

C6ISR units destroy major Russian air base in Syria

C6ISR units destroy major Russian air base in Syria

Retired IDF Brigadier General Gal Hirsh wrote about what he calls the “Second Revolution in Military Affairs,” the development of C6ISR units. “C6ISR” stands for “Command, Control, Communications, Computing, Cyber, Commando, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance.” Although Hirsh said that C6ISR units would BE developed and only as an interim phase, it’s clear that they already exist, they’re here in their final form, and they’re fighting in Syria.

Arab C6ISR units

The Arab League has never discussed its unconventional-warfare capabilities. After much research, I determined that an Arab League C6ISR unit of strategic special operators would be about 800 men organized as follows.


Egypt’s Rapid Deployment Forces and the United Arab Emirates Presidential Guard show that I’m in the ballpark. Arab C6ISR units have their own main battle tanks, artillery, and air support in the form of both helicopter gunships and fixed-wing attack aircraft. They also have riverine assault craft and naval transport capabilities.

Western special forces are separated by their branch of service. In the US, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) was created to ensure that the various units dedicated to unconventional warfare could work together.

The Arab League sidestepped this issue by making each C6ISR unit self-contained. Pilots, tankers, infantrymen, artillerymen, and sailors are all in the same battalion-sized force, and they cross-train. This UAE Presidential Guard tank commander has paratrooper wings.

A Saudi Special Forces major below (red arrow) has US Army and US Navy paratrooper wings, an explosive-ordnance disposal badge, a Saudi marksmanship badge, counterterrorism badges, a Saudi Special Forces Pursuit and Assault badge, and Royal Saudi Air Force pilot’s wings.


The Arab League wanted to eliminate both the rivalry between the branches of service and the bureaucracy that slows down operations on the battlefield. These units of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines can be infiltrated into a country and given general orders. Then they fight individual battles as they see fit.

It was revealed yesterday that the Russians suffered a massive loss in Syria. Their most important air base was struck, and an entire helicopter gunship squadron was wiped out. The Russians assure us that the attack didn’t happen, and “military experts” say that it was Islamic State artillery.

Both claims are false. The Arab League destroyed the base.

First, some other news.

C6ISR units did this

The video below is generally accurate.

You should note that previously, the Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD) used this logo.

It’s a map of Syria with the northeastern part separated.

Here’s the new QSD logo.

It’s the flag of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) merging with that of the Kurdish Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG). Plenty of hate-filled tribalists are going to be very upset, but I always knew that the Kurds and the Syrian Arabs would work out their differences.

This is one reason why.


In the video above, the Arab League high velocity penetrating weapon (HVPW) hits the target and goes deep underground. Then a cloud of explosive vapor is ejected upward to mix with atmospheric air.

The vapor ignites.

This causes the detonation of the vapor filling the underground complex. We see smoke squirting from the ground far from the fireball; the roofs of tunnels and bunkers have collapsed, releasing the rising dust and gases.

The smoke didn’t travel outward from the epicenter; it rose in tandem with the main explosion. An entire tunnel system was destroyed with one munition.

Seeing something like that tends to make people think more clearly. I had no doubt that the various rebel groups in Syria would come together.

And C6ISR units did this

Vladimir Putin is stubborn. He also lives in a fantasy world. His entire Syrian command staff was killed in one day, which made him change his behavior somewhat, but he had to be given another stern warning.

New satellite imagery appears to reveal extensive damage to a strategically significant airbase in central Syria used by Russian forces after a reported attack by so-called Islamic State (IS).

Four helicopters and 20 lorries were destroyed in a series of fires inside the T4 base last week, the images from intelligence company Stratfor suggest.

“What the imagery tells us is that first of all this was not an accidental explosion, as some of the rumours kept saying,” Stratfor military analyst Sim Tack said.

“It shows very clearly that there are several different sources of explosions across the airport, and it shows that the Russians took a quite a bad hit.”

You can say THAT again. At T4, Russia lost a logistics depot and an entire squadron of Mi-24 helicopter gunships.

Stratfor says that the Islamic State carried out the attack, but that’s not true.

For one thing, here’s the first Islamic State communique about the attack on T4, also called Tiyas.

Burning of four Russian attack helicopters and 20 trucks loaded with missiles inside T4 airport in eastern Homs [province] as a result of a nearby fire.

Anyone with a functioning brain can see that they were reporting information given to them. If they’d assaulted T4, they would’ve said, “We just destroyed four Russian attack helicopters and 20 trucks loaded with missiles inside T4 airport.”

Secondly, the Islamic State released photos of terrorists firing unguided Grad missiles.

The technologically challenged Islamic State uses the Grad like this.

Worthless. The damage to T4 was not caused by Grads.

Arab C6ISR units did…what?

This is what was hit at T4.

Before the assault.


There isn’t a single crater on the runway or in the ground. Only the helicopters and their maintenance equipment were destroyed. There’s literally nothing left of the gunships except melted aluminum.

Not even the US armed forces are capable of such precision with aerial munitions. The idea that the Islamic State did this with unguided missiles is laughable.

The storage depot and trucks (lorries) before the attack.


No craters. Each vehicle has been destroyed, but there’s no sign of the munitions that were supposedly used.

Arab C6ISR units learned from the masters

The world isn’t ready to accept that Arab nations now have the best soldiers in human history. Analysts therefore make mistakes. Statfor says that the reinforced concrete shelter (red arrow below) was hit by artillery.

No. Those are smoke smudges coming out of the ventilation ducts. There was a fire inside the building. However, the roof is intact.

The lack of craters, the unnaturally limited scope of the destruction, the melted helicopters, and the fact that the interior of the reinforced concrete shelter was set on fire all lead to one inescapable conclusion.

It was a commando assault. Arab League strategic special operators got onto the base and destroyed everything with explosives, shoulder-fired rockets, and thermite grenades.

This was a repeat of Operation Thunderbolt, the Entebbe raid. The Arab League C6ISR operators landed in a C-130 Hercules transport that flew across the desert at ground level.

It was a nocturnal raid; the aircrew and special operators wore night-vision goggles. Just like in Operation Thunderbolt, the C-130 touched down at the far end of the runway. The men disembarked, crept forward, and destroyed their targets in about five minutes.

Nobody was killed or even injured, because the barracks were left alone.

The Russians say that this is all a fabrication. In reality, ARABS were able to penetrate the most secure Russian base in Syria, completely demolish it, and leave—all without harming anyone or losing a single man.

This isn’t a surprise to me. Arab strategic special operators are the most qualified soldiers I’ve ever seen. Each of these badges represents a deadly skill.


The men above could take the lives of everyone they come across. Especially Russians like the fat, panicky clown below, who had to be calmed by his depressed, humiliated officer.


But the point in becoming such fearsome warriors is to end war. Part of mastering the military arts is knowing when to spare lives.

UAE Presidential Guardsman First Sergeant Mohammed K. al-Seyad was killed in Yemen.


He’s watching his C6ISR brothers-in-arms, and he’s laughing uncontrollably at how easily they fool the world again and again and again.

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