Thomas Wictor

Watch a Saudi strategic special operator do his job

Watch a Saudi strategic special operator do his job

In Syria, the Islamic State is activating sleepers who have infiltrated rebel groups and the media. Double agents are killing people they’ve known for years. The Saudi strategic special operators in Syria have anticipated this development. For the first time ever, we get to watch one of the new soldiers in a real-life situation, close up. This explains why the Arab League will win every war it fights.

First, watch the demonstrations

The Saudis have established many anti-terrorism schools. Members of the military and the Ministry of Interior Special Security Forces undergo courses in counter-terrorism that include combat methods and profiling. On completion of the courses, a qualification badge is issued. Below is a soldier of the Saudi Royal Guard Regiment who completed five courses in counter-terrorism.


The counter-terrorism badges have wings and a banner beneath them. The soldier above has also earned Royal Saudi Land Forces paratrooper wings and a Saudi Special Forces Pursuit and Assault badge.

A Saudi Special Forces major (red arrow below) with two counter-terrorism qualification badges.


The Saudis put on impressive demonstrations of their physical skills.

There’s a great quote from the movie The Dirty Dozen, one of the best war movies ever made: “Very pretty. But can they fight?”

You need to understand that the Saudi demonstrations are for public consumption, morale boosting, and…fun.

In the field, the Saudis are the most lethal soldiers who ever lived. I’ll prove it to you in a moment.

First, a different video.

Watch what humans must face

An Islamic State vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) was captured intact in Iraq.

How did they get their hands on that thing?

Here’s your answer.



They fired antipersonnel munitions that created a literal storm of lethal fragments. Anything living was killed, while the VBIED suffered only “dings” (red arrows).

I can’t identify the munition. The warhead was scored with a laser beam so that it would shatter into tiny steel diamonds.


You don’t want to see photos of terrorists who were on the receiving end of such munitions.

I’m now optimistic about Iraq. The country will find lasting solutions.

Watch a strategic special operator

This is a great video. It shows so much in such a short period.

I predicted that the Kurdish Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) and Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) would gradually be replaced with the Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD). This is the first video I’ve seen in which virtually every Kurd wears a QSD badge.


The woman marked with the red arrow above is a Kurdish commander.

This is an Arab commander.


Note that his rifle is ready to be used in a split second. I support the Kurds, but they’ve not had the luxury of extensive training. You can see it in how they carry their weapons.


The Arab commander has an absolutely terrifying bodyguard.

Watch a Saudi protect

You have to see this in slow motion to fully grasp it. Saudi Special Forces are being used in what’s called “close protection” all over the Middle East. As the Arab commander speaks with the Kurds, his young bodyguard sees something in the camera crew that he doesn’t like. I’m positive that the bodyguard is a Saudi. He has a new device on his rifle that would be unavailable to a militiaman.

Remember, the Islamic State are activating sleepers in Syria. The camera crew could’ve been terrorists in disguise. So the bodyguard discreetly emerges from the background on the left, examines the camera crew, and then reacts.

He takes his hands out of his pockets and grasps his rifle. Listen to the two clicks at 0:03 and the sound at 0:06 below.

The Saudi released the charging handle of his rifle, putting a cartridge into the chamber. At the same time, he used his left shoulder to bump the officer’s back, a signal of possible danger.


As the video cut out, the officer was turning. He reacted instantly to the signal.

The Saudi was about to open fire. Here’s the man next to him.


He’s looking down at the rifle, thinking, Here we go.

That Saudi strategic special operator didn’t blink once. He and his comrades use Polyethylene Glycol 400 (PEG 400) eye drops to protect their vision in the desert. A benefit is that you never have to blink.

Watch as others catch on

The US armed forces have a long history of scapegoating. My Great-Uncle Curtis Yarnell Kimball spent World War II in Germany, passing as a Nazi. He was a major in the US Army at the time. His activities are still classified. Sometime in April of 1945, British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery personally awarded Curtis an unidentified medal in Munich, before the Germans had even surrendered.


In the 1950s, Curtis got on the wrong side of the US State Department. He was a vocal critic of this eternally dysfunctional institution. The State Department was in charge of providing equipment for the Imperial Iranian Gendarmerie. Due to its permanent incompetence and corruption, the State Department allowed the equipment, weapons, and uniforms to be stolen, resulting in the Gendarmerie becoming unable to do its job.

Curtis was in charge of training the Gendarmerie.


Rather than admit to its own failures, the State Department formally blamed Curtis in a written report. Curtis was demoted and shipped back to the US. I have his letters, begging other US Army officers to intervene.

Nobody helped him. The US Army needed a scapegoat. Curtis’s career was destroyed, and he resigned from the army. He never recovered from this betrayal. After he died in 1977, the US Army asked his widow Marian if they could bury Curtis at Arlington National Cemetery.


It was the army’s cowardly way of trying to make up for the crime they’d committed.

Marian refused. She had Curtis cremated, and then she scattered his ashes from an airplane over the Gulf of Mexico, his favorite place to go boating.

By the way, the grandson of Curtis and Marian’s closest Iranian friend once contacted me. You can read about it here.

American troops are afraid to carry out missions because of the insane rules of engagement (ROE) and the American military tendency to scapegoat. The Saudis don’t scapegoat their men, which allows soldiers to do their duty. That young, hard-faced Saudi strategic special operator in Syria had been ordered to protect the Arab QSD commander. He became suspicious and prepared himself.

First he walks toward the group.


He says one word to the pale man behind the Arab commander.


After that, the pale man never takes his eyes off of a particular member of the camera crew.


The Saudi’s rifle barrel has a safety release, either mechanical or electromagnetic.


This is a brilliant theoretical idea that I didn’t know had been made into reality. The Saudi takes his hands out of his pockets and releases the safety catch of his rifle without calling attention to himself.


He reaches behind with his right hand; his rifle produces two metallic clicking sounds. I can’t tell you what they are, because this is new technology. While readying his rifle, the Saudi nudges the pale man with his left wrist.


The pale man glances over and sees that the Saudi is about to take action.


As the Saudi mentally choreographs his next moves, a Kurd approaches, concerned by the camera crew.


The pale man says a single word to the Kurd, who circles around the Saudi.

His jaw clenched, the Saudi waits for the right moment to kill the camera crew.


In the end, nobody was hurt. However, it was a close call.

That thin young Saudi would pass unnoticed on any street in the Middle East. No giant muscles, no tattoos, no strutting. He emerged from nowhere and fearlessly but quietly confronted what he thought was a threat.

He did his job. Thousands of such men are doing their job in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq. Invisibly.

You see, the pale man is a Saudi as well.


His rifle has the same barrel-mounted safety release as that of the other Saudi.


The Arab commander had two bodyguards, one of whom was hidden in plain sight.

Watch a mystery

As the Arab commander speaks to his Kurdish counterpart, we see a western soldier. Who is he? Not American; that’s guaranteed.


When everyone poses for group photos, the Kurds and Syrian Arabs stand apart from the Saudi special operator in the center. They’re afraid of him. Watch how carefully he transfers his heavily modified rifle from his left hand to his right.

The pale Saudi readjusts his rifle just as gingerly.


These are incredibly dangerous stealth-weapons. Despite their youth, the two Saudis have completely mastered the art of soldiering. They’re literally perfect soldiers.

I understand why the Syrians were unnerved. This is a frightening face.


And the Syrians saw him demonstrate his skills. He and his partner are the real thing: genuine assassins.

But only sometimes. They kill not for pleasure but because it’s necessary in this fight for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I’m grateful to them for their service.

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