Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Hamas Operation on Gaza Beach’ Category

The torso on the beach theory

In my attempt to find out what happened to Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014, I’ve taken many wrong turns. Yesterday someone sent me a link to NBC News footage that proves that I was wrong about a screen grab. However, the footage explains all the bizarre actions…


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A correction and more damning evidence

When I began writing about the Hamas deception operation set into motion on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014, I told everyone that this is a work in progress. As I knew would happen, people get hung up on minutiae and miss the big picture. I’m going to make mistakes because that’s the nature of…


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Haaretz confirms Hamas deception operation

Today I was going to write a post about the journalists who witnessed the events on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. My contention is that the killing of Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr was part of an elaborate Hamas deception operation designed to portray Israel as a nation of child-killers. Two days ago…


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Journalist confirms Gaza beach deception operation

I just got off the phone with a journalist whose name you’d recognize. This person will remain anonymous. The journalist confirmed that the killing of Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014, was a Hamas deception operation. This is a person who is very angry at what happened and…


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You need better arguments

For some reason I’m suddenly getting lots of messages about my theory that Hamas murdered Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr and used their corpses in an elaborate deception operation on July 16, 2014. You need much better arguments than this. Total incoherence. I can’t understand what was written. At least this next one makes…


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Not all conspiracy theories are equal

Last night while I slept—having a wonderful dream about discovering a photo album full of priceless postcards of World War I flamethrowers—the word went out on Twitter to label me a conspiracy theorist. Saying that certain ideas are nothing but conspiracy theories allows the accuser to not address troubling notions. In this case the Twits…


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Had to temporarily retract the post. Sorry

I’ve had to temporarily retract the post I wrote last night. We’re all operating under too much stress, so there was a miscommunication. Keep in mind that I’m a former music journalist and failed novelist. I’m not cut out for this kind of work. The post will go up again in a few days. I…


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Gaza beach operation: the four decoys

The Hamas deception operation that took place on the Gaza beach on July 16, 2014, relied on the confusion created by so many moving parts. The four decoys photographed by Stefanie Dekker of al-Jazeera were crucial to the success of the ruse. The boys are Motasem-Muntaser Bakr. Brothers Hamad and Younis Bakr. Nasser Fadel Bakr….


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About that IDF criminal investigation

Several people have sent me links to stories on the IDF criminal investigation into the deaths of the four Bakr boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. Since I’ve heard some very disquieting things from my Israeli contacts, I tweeted the timeline of what I call Operation Four Little Martyrs to IDF spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel…


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There will be no documentary

There will be no documentary made about Operation Four Little Martyrs, the Hamas deception that took place on the Gaza Beach, July 16, 2014. I was in talks with the filmmaker Pierre Rehov, but it simply wasn’t possible for me to gather the material and raise the funds in time. Mr. Rehov had to make…


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