Thomas Wictor

Destroying military objects instead of people is how to win wars

Destroying military objects instead of people is how to win wars

Dreamers try to eliminate war. Pragmatists have figured out how to fight and win wars. The solution is destroying military objects, not people. Military objects include weapons, equipment, supplies, transportation, headquarters, and commanders. The Arab League and its allies don’t consider the average enemy soldier a military object.

This new approach to warfare is the only one that works.

Destroying old ideas

I used to agree with the sentiments below.

However, killing enormous numbers of people has the paradoxical effect of stiffening resistance. In addition, it causes hatred that ensures future conflict. During World War II, area bombing cities did not break the morale of any civilian population. Even after two atomic bombs, the Japanese wanted to continue fighting. The Algerians defeated the French by simply refusing to give up. Also, the Algerians inflicted massive casualties on the French.

The new Arab League doctrine calls for killing almost no people—combatants or civilians. Arab League military leaders also protect the lives of their commandos and allied forces. President Obama prohibits American troops from approaching the front lines. In contrast, the Arab League undertakes massively risky operations.

How can you both risk your troops and protect them?

Training, technology, and allowing unprecedented individual initiative.

Destroying myths about warfare

Brigadier General Ahmed Assiri is the spokesman of the Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen. He once said, “We’re the ones dropping the bombs, so we’re the ones who know where they hit.”


It’s absolutely clear to me that Arab League commandos are fully aware of their own capabilities. Therefore, when Arab League and allied strategic special operators undertake missions, the risk is only theoretical. The men know that they can easily accomplish their tasks.

Individual initiative is imperative due to the nature of the wars in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq. In order for soldiers to fight without fear, they must know that nobody will scapegoat them. The first question that commanders of western armed forces ask is, “Whose fault is it?”

My Great-Uncle Curtis Yarnell Kimball, 129th Infantry Regiment, US Army, spent World War II in Nazi Germany. He was passing as a German citizen. British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery personally awarded Curtis a medal in Munich, April of 1945. The fighting had not yet stopped.


There’s no record of Curtis’s activities during the war. His medal remains unidentified.

Destroying a hero

Ten years later, the US Army ended Curtis’s career. He was a lieutenant-colonel, a field officer in the US Military Mission with the Imperial Iranian Gendarmerie. Curtis spoke and wrote fluent Farsi. He felt that the US was betraying the Iranians by not providing them what they needed. Below is an excerpt from his field notes.

The US State Department supervised the Mission. Curtis complained so much that the State Department demanded that he be replaced. The army blamed him for the Mission’s failure and transferred him from Tehran in 1955. I have his letters to superior officers, begging them to reverse their decision. They refused.

Curtis retired early and died in 1977, a bitter man. His widow Marian Lower Kimball rejected the army’s cowardly offer to bury Curtis in Arlington National Cemetery. Instead, she had him cremated, and she scattered his ashes from an aircraft over the Gulf of Mexico, where he loved to go boating.


Unfortunately, the US armed forces are notorious for their disloyalty to people who sacrificed.

Destroying only what’s necessary

We see a lot of video from Syria showing the use of antitank guided missiles (ATGMs). It’s very difficult to find genuine footage of unmodified ATGMs. Below is a Russian 9M133 Kornet.

Large, irregular explosion with lots of dirty-gray smoke.

Next is an American BMG-71 TOW.

Like the Kornet, it produces a huge explosion with smoke and fragmentation.

In comparison, here’s an ATGM with a low-yield fuel-air explosive (FAE) warhead.


The Levant Conquest Front is taking credit for the shot, but that’s a lie. This is a new munition. It sounds like nothing else.

Below is a Russian 9M133 Kornet, then an American BGM-71 TOW, and finally the mystery missile.

The new missile sounds like a pigeon or an owl.

Destroying or just damaging?

As I wrote this post, I realized something: The new munitions damage more than destroy. Why?

So that the nation can rebuild faster.

Brilliant. The Arab League wins by only temporarily disabling a country, not demolishing it.

This missile has a semi-automatic command to line of sight (SACLOS) guidance system. That’s why there’s a flare on the tail. The missile gunner aimed at the running gear of the tank.

You can see the warhead release a cloud of vapor that detonated.

Not only was the explosion small, multiple warheads directed the force away from the house.

When did Islamist rebels become so careful?

After someone replaced their members with professional strategic special operators.

Not killing or destroying

Here we see Syrian troops trying to position a 57mm AZP S-60 antiaircraft cannon in a civilian building, an unambiguous war crime. Watch what happens.

It was another missile with an FAE warhead. This one had such an enormous flare on it that the targets saw it coming and fled.

The warhead released a cloud of vapor that exploded upward.

It appears that the only casualty was the tarp over the cannon. The missile blew it to pieces.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind.

One, the missile squad infiltrated the suburbs of Aleppo and set up a concealed launching pad in a building across from the target. No Islamist rebels have those skills.

Two, the missile squad could’ve killed those men with heavy-caliber sniper rifles.

Therefore the missile gunners did not want to kill. They wanted to warn.

“Naughty, naughty. Since you’re not playing nice, we have to take away your toy.”

In conclusion, we have nothing to fear from the Arab League. Nothing. In every situation, they’ve chosen the least-destructive path. They did it by becoming the best, not by handcuffing their soldiers and groveling to corrupt institutions.

Maybe someday the rest of us will make an attempt to stop being absurd.

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