Thomas Wictor

Archive for September, 2014

Who killed the four boys on the Gaza beach?

On Twitter—a name I’m finding more and more apt by the day—someone did what he thought would be a drive-by trolling, accusing me of being a propagandist. We got into it, and eventually he accused Israel of committing a war crime by killing four Palestinian boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. Here’s how…


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Fake photos send a message

There’s an image making the rounds that appears to show an American soldier with his legs blown off, sitting in a chair, smoking a cigarette. It’s one of the many fake photos that either boost morale or sap it. I knew it wasn’t real; it took me three minutes to find the source. This is…


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The IDF did not shoot Bassem Abu Rahmeh

On April 17, 2009, a thirty-year-old Palestinian named Bassem Abu Rahmeh was hit in the chest by an Israeli tear-gas canister in the village of Bil’in. He later died of his injuries. The IDF was accused of firing an extended-range tear-gas grenade directly at Rahmeh, in complete violation of Israeli rules of engagement. This is…


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Because I’ve experienced great evil

Almost every day I get a message asking me why I defend Israel and Jews. Most of the queries are sincere, while others are meant to be an accusation of sorts. Basically, people are accusing me of doing what I myself acknowledge I’m doing. Maybe they except me to snap out of a trance and…


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Acceptance is the first step

I get many messages from Israelis and Jews who are deeply hurt by the deliberate falsehoods spread by such gargoyles as Mads Gilbert. Having experienced a lot of trauma in my life, I’m an expert on overcoming it. The key is acceptance. My book Ghosts and Ballyhoo: Memoirs of a Failed L.A. Music Journalist is…


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A forensic investigation into my Jew-hate

Many years ago a ghost told me that I hated Jews. It was a nonsensical accusation that came completely out of left field. I had to do a forensic investigation to discover the origin of this lie. When I found the answer, it stunned me. A humorous story branded me forever as a Jew hater….


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Utøya Island illustrates Norway’s pathologies

Last night I wrote a post about my own experiences living in Norway from 1978 to 1981. I mentioned the mass murder that took place on Utøya Island, July 22, 2011. At the time of the crime, I read several eyewitness accounts describing what the members of the Workers’ Youth League (Arbeidaranes Ungdomsfylking, or AUF)…


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Land of Gilbert the Mad

Yesterday I wrote a post about Dr. Mads Gilbert, the lunatic who claims that Israel is using “banned experimental weapons” on the Palestinians. From 1978 to 1981 I lived in Norway, land of Gilbert the Mad. This post is not about all Norwegians. It’s about the type of Norwegian exemplified by Gilbert the Mad. Therefore…


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The lie that Israel uses “banned weapons”

What I like best about the Internet is that you can use it to discover the truth. I can now say that virtually every accusation made against Israel is a lie. Most of these lies can be debunked in less than a minute, which demonstrates the caliber of the people who repeat such falsehoods. This…


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Emotions hurt, as they should

I offered to send Ghosts and Ballyhoo: Memoirs of a Failed L.A. Music Journalist to a reader. She replied that emotions hurt, which I take to mean that she’d rather not read the book. I understand. Here’s what a reviewer said about it. At every turn revealing, enlightening, and heartbreaking in the most jagged fashion…


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