Thomas Wictor

Archive for December, 2014

A carnival of degeneracy

Very bizarre day. Out of nowhere a carnival of degeneracy hit me on Twitter as about fifty Jew-haters began an attack that was eerily superficial and infantile. Maybe this works on other people, but it doesn’t upset me in the least. They all said exactly the same things. 1. I’m insane. 2. I’m stupid for…


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Explaining mental illness to stupid old Jew-haters

A couple of days ago, a Ron Paul toady named Martin went after me on Twitter for having the temerity to disagree with him. He was incapable of answering any questions I asked, and at the end of his hours-long spewage, he blocked me so that I couldn’t respond to him. Well, today he unblocked…


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Fire burns, but…

Last night I had a dream that was brought on by hate mail. It was a very unpleasant dream, but it led me to finally understand why I’ve been so doggedly building up the planet’s largest collection of World War I flamethrower photos. Hate mail caused the dream, the dream made me go through my…


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New feature on blog

I’ve added a new feature to the blog. First open another tab or window and go to the blog page. In the upper right, you can now choose if you want white text on a dark background or black text on a light background. Click on a blog post. If you want the light background,…


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“He was just throwing rocks”

This is the popular conception of the Palestinian throwing rocks. It’s propaganda for morons. That little boy is too far away for his pebble to hit the Magach 6 main battle tank. The compression caused by the telephoto lens makes it seem that the kid is right in front of the tank, but he’s over…


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The sheer ordinariness of the opposition

People don’t like my posts on Israel. They decide they’re going to “fix” me by “letting me have it.” Unfortunately for them, they lack the imagination to understand that I’m impervious. The ordinariness of their communications to me is…extraordinary. Their attacks are always the same: 1. Making fun of me for my looks. 2. Making…


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The Israelis didn’t kill Ziad Abu Ein

Today terrorist and convicted murderer Ziad Abu Ein died after a confrontation with the Israeli Defense Forces and Border Police in Ramallah. Ein was a Palestinian Authority “minister without portfolio.” Ein therefore didn’t actually do anything in the Palestinian Authority. He headed the PLO’s Commission Against the Separation Wall and Settlements, which leads protests…


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Lip service, posturing, and striking poses

Today Senator Dianne Feinstein spoke about the report on CIA interrogation and detention polices written by the Democratic majority of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Feinstein is Chairman of the committee, and her words are a masterpiece of lip service paid to lofty notions that play no part in her existence. This report is…


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The Israeli Air Force didn’t kill the boys on the beach

I got a belligerent message asking me to “prove” that the Israeli Air Force didn’t kill the four Bakr boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. From a forensic standpoint, this is incredibly easy to do, so I’m happy to oblige. First, we’ll re-emphasize that the Israeli Navy denies firing on the beach. That…


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About that IDF criminal investigation

Several people have sent me links to stories on the IDF criminal investigation into the deaths of the four Bakr boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. Since I’ve heard some very disquieting things from my Israeli contacts, I tweeted the timeline of what I call Operation Four Little Martyrs to IDF spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel…


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