Thomas Wictor

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Assad has learned too late that some people are serious

Beginning in January of 2016, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) began achieving impressive victories on the battlefield. Analysts attribute this to Russian air power. They’re wrong. In reality the Arab League worked out an arrangement with Bashar al-Assad that would avoid the horrors that have plagued Iraq since March of 2003. However, Assad has reverted…


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Politicians and journalists are the root of all evil

I’ve written extensively about my disgust for journalists, but politicians are even worse. Watch this clip of Senator Lindsey Graham questioning US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter. This was theater for morons. Graham knows full well that the Turkish government and the Kurdish YPG work together time and again. Turkish President Erdoğan, who once said…


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Lies, lust for power, Jew-hate, tribalism, and failure

From the great Dave Frishberg, a commentary on lies. I first heard that song twenty-five years ago and never forgot it. We are marooned in a blizzard of lies, but I can debunk a lot them. Lies about hospitals Because of Jew-hate, “human rights” groups such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, B’Tselem, and Doctors…


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Unable to see one’s place in the larger scheme of things

I had a suspicion. Sadly, it was confirmed. I can’t say that I’m surprised. The evidence has indicated that too many American politicians and military leaders are unable to see the big picture and how they fit into it. Egos get in the way. Unable to be honest When I began defending Israel in 2014,…


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Polite reformer has already carried out his mission

Every day brings me new evidence that this is the best era in which to live. The polite Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman has already transformed Saudi Arabia. It happened almost instantaneously. Why do I call him polite? He clearly is polite, but I’m also quoting writer Robert A. Heinlein….


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Sorrow for what they do and what must be done to them

The last thing I ever expected was to feel sorrow for terrorists. It doesn’t change my opinion that they have to be killed, but now I find it harder to expose myself to the deaths of the incompetent ones. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest that Hamas “Nukhbah” infiltrators are being killed in their…


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Incrementalism is how great change is made permanent

It’s official: The Saudis are remaking the Middle East. Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman gave his first press conference to foreign journalists, and he confirmed what retired Saudi General Anwar Eshki said at the Council on Foreign Relations on June 4, 2015. The key to successful change is incrementalism. You have…


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Explanation is in order. Here you go

Tonight’s post is an explanation of what and why. I’ve been struggling with this decision for two years. It was eating me alive. I’ve been unable to answer e-mails or get my life back in order. It was a kind of agonizing paralysis. Explanation of what After my father Edward died on February 23, 2013,…


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Jante is a word that all westerners should know

The Law of Jante (pronounced “yan-TUH”) originally applied to only the Scandinavian countries, but it’s spread like cancer. Basically the Law of Jante states that individual achievement is illegitimate because it makes the group look bad. Well, the group can go to hell. The group doesn’t pay my taxes, pay my medical bills, pay for…


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Consequences of refusing to face reality

It may not seem like it to you, but pretty much everyone who needs to be smashed is being smashed. For a variety of reasons, really bad people were allowed to forget that actions have consequences. Well, it’s now clear that those who thought they could do whatever they want are paying dearly. Believe me….


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