Thomas Wictor

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Arab and allied troops training in the US again?

Yesterday I wrote about seeing a massive number of military jet transports flying to and from US Air Force bases here in Southern California. I just heard a very lame cover story on the radio, so my conclusion is that Arab and allied special forces are conducting more exercises in preparation for the destruction of…


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Balloon has gone up. Last night and just now

How fitting! “The balloon has gone up” originated during World War I. Before a major operation, attackers raised observation balloons. The enemy would see and say, “Aw, crap! The balloon has gone up!” They knew that hostilities had commenced. Last night and just now, the balloon went up. A new phase in the liberation of…


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Revolution in warfare and geopolitics began one year ago

April 20, 2015, signaled a revolution in warfare and geopolitics. It was a warning that nobody could ignore. It took me a while to figure out that this explosion was caused by a new munition, the high velocity penetrating weapon (HVPW). Hitler’s birthday was chosen as the day to demonstrate Jewish power. The HVPW uses…


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Innocent, really stupid, and miserably unhappy

Not a day goes by without a stranger trying to disrupt my life by being what they think is shocking. They’re so innocent. I’m not capable of being shocked by negativity. What shocks me is improvement, which is why I write about the Middle East. Innocent of what can happen After a lot of thought,…


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Performance art wins the war in Syria

Nobody will ever be able to write the history of the Syrian civil war. Too much of it is performance art that’s necessary to avoid the mistakes of every single western power that has fought in the Middle East. The performers putting on the show can’t take a bow, which is a shame. They’re absolutely…


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Trigger words: “brave, skilled, selfless, humane”

Today I learned that terms such as “brave,” “skilled,” “selfless,” and “humane” are trigger words for those who lack such attributes. We’re not supposed to praise others, because that will make the non-praiseworthy feel bad about themselves. Not my problem. This post is dedicated to Andrew Gabriel Rose—poet, author, and painter. Trigger an emission Andrew…


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Analyses by idiots make everything worse

Every day I read analyses that are so off base that they make me want to dive through my computer and choke somebody’s turkey neck until he gobbles, to quote novelist Joseph Wambaugh. Almost everything being published is wrong. The problem is caused by the notion that there’s no such thing as objective truth. Social…


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Fatuous self-genocide in slow motion

One of my favorite words is “fatuous.” It means “inanely foolish.” Think of it as deeply silly stupidity. Only intelligent people are capable of being fatuous. What’s a good example of fatuity? Well, this, of course. Bradley Manning is not a woman. He was not discharged from the US Army even though at the time,…


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Undisclosed versus covert versus clandestine

Military operations are classified as open, clandestine, covert, and undisclosed. Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom were open operations. A clandestine operation was Neptune Spear, the killing of Osama bin Laden by US Navy SEALs of DEVGRU. Though secret at the time, we admitted to it when it was over. Covert operations are actions that everyone…


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Clown Apocalypse, otherwise known as western culture

During World War I, German flamethrower pioneer Georg Lembke served on the Italian Front. He called it the Clown Apocalypse, due to the suicidal incompetence of the Austro-Hungarians and the Italians. Through sheer coincidence, I bought a photo of Georg, taken on December 28, 1916; the image shows his platoon about to assault the Dead…


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