Thomas Wictor

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Sneering while getting everything wrong

People who do the most sneering never have a clue about what’s really happening. I’m going to deconstruct a video for you. Since it was published, I’m allowed to show you that it’s fake. I can do this because nobody takes me seriously. Therefore I’m free to expose…everything. It would make no difference. Sneering at…


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Reading tea leaves in the Middle East

For me, reading the tea leaves in the Middle East is exciting. All I see is good news. Keep in mind, though, the caliber of the people who are reshaping the region. The leaders and the men carrying out combat missions are a new breed. It’ll take decades for the rest of us to catch…


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Migraine means a recycled post. Sorry!

Terrible migraine all day. I can’t think, so I’m going to post something from September 22, 2013. I wrote it before the 2014 Gaza war, which was when the death threats became a daily thing. Wouldn’t it be funny if it weren’t a migraine but actually a cerebral hemorrhage? I’ll know in the morning. Detox…


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Shining a light is actually pretty fun

My hobby is looking at photos and videos from the Middle East. I started shining a light on all of this in June of 2014, to prove that the accusations being made against the Israeli Defense Forces were false. Now it’s an addiction. Shining on Kurds The Kurds and the Turks will have to work…


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Enforced tolerance: Live and let live…or you die

Some events are so obscene that they can drive you insane. This is why I support the Arab League policy of enforced tolerance. In Yemen, Syria, and now Iraq, those who refuse to live and let live are just killed. As they should be. Asad Shah simply wished his Christian fellow citizens a happy Easter….


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Disgracing its name: Human Rights Watch

The move Black Rain isn’t very good, but it has one magnificent scene. It’s about disgracing yourself and others. Michael Douglas is Nick Conklin, a New York police detective. He and his partner Charlie Vincent (Andy Garcia) extradited a Japanese yakuza back to Tokyo, where he escaped. After Vincent is killed, Conklin has dinner with…


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Suffering is real. I can’t turn it into a debating exercise

Two days ago I was finally able to get back into my Meniere’ disease dietary regimen. It took three years for me to process my parents’ deaths. For me, suffering is immediate. It’s very real. I guess most people have to experience something before they can empathize, but I have no patience for that. Stop…


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Wildest imagination has become fact

Because of my brutal childhood, I’ve always had a soft spot for the Middle East. It haunted me. There seemed to be no end to the suffering. Not even in my wildest fantasies did I imagine what’s now happening. And it’s picking up speed. The end of the suffering is imminent. Wildest technology I’m going…


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Cataclysm averted…but maybe not for us

That which lacks a sense of self-preservation will not survive. The Middle East has avoided a cataclysm, but only because level-headed and skilled leaders worked hard to find solutions. Here in the West, the goal has been to make us stupid and malleable, in the name of expanding the power of government—both liberal and conservative….


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Terminators begin the final phase in Syria

The end is near in Syria. Thank the Terminators of the Arab League and its allies. This quote is accurate only if you refuse to cooperate. Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity or remorse or fear. And it absolutely…


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