Thomas Wictor

Wildest imagination has become fact

Wildest imagination has become fact

Because of my brutal childhood, I’ve always had a soft spot for the Middle East. It haunted me. There seemed to be no end to the suffering. Not even in my wildest fantasies did I imagine what’s now happening. And it’s picking up speed. The end of the suffering is imminent.

Wildest technology

I’m going to show you a video that was declassified and released. Therefore we’re supposed to see it. I can’t tell you what this weapon is. My best guess is a stealth kamikaze unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), but in fact it’s probably autonomous.

First, I wondered what created this yellow-green explosion.


The video I’m going to show you has the answer.

Everybody in the Middle East needs to accept the new reality: You can’t fight anymore. It’s over. If you insist on taking up arms against those who are different, you’ll be killed.

I remember reading in 2006 that the Saudis gave Israel military intelligence during the Second Lebanon War. That information has been scrubbed from the Internet. However, it means that the Saudis have spent a minimum of ten years changing the mindset of their soldiers. That’s long enough to instill an ethos of selflessness.

The motto of the US Army Special Forces is “De oppresso liber.” Literally it means, “From an oppressed man to a free one.” The usual rendering is “To liberate the oppressed.”


“I will arrive violently” refers to the battlefield, but it also includes the journey to the next world. These men are the best of us in multiple ways. The Saudis have created units that are fighting to protect Alawites and Shi’ites. Saudi Arabia is the home to Wahhabism, also called Salafism. Wahhabists view Alawites and Shi’ites as heretic enemies.

Nevertheless, the Saudis are now protecting the Alawites in Syria.

Leaders of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s Alawite branch of Islam have openly taken a stand against his regime. In a document obtained by media, heads of the sect also call for peace after five years of war.

The eight page text advocates a future for Syria based on secularism and democracy, and implicitly refers to Assad’s regime as “totalitarian.”

“The ruling political power, whoever embodies it, does not represent us nor does it shape our identity or preserve our safety and reputation,” the anonymous authors write.

I figured out how the Saudis convinced the Alawites to trust them. The evidence has been published. Maybe someday we’ll discuss it. Not in my wildest, most feverish yearnings did I foresee that particular development.

Wildest Iraqi operations

It’s clear to me that Arab League strategic special operators are now in Iraq. Too many bad things are happening to the Islamic State. First we killed their rocket emir, and now we have this.

Thirty ISIS members, including prominent leaders, were killed and 15 others were wounded when a bomb one of the bombers was wearing exploded.

The source said in a statement obtained by, “A group of ISIS members wearing explosive devices in Robaida village in al-Rashad vicinity were preparing to attack the security forces in Hamrin Mountains and the oil fields of Alas and Ajil in Salahuddin Province.”

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added, “An explosion took place due to a defect in one of the explosive belts,” pointing out that, “The explosion resulted in the killing of 30 ISIS members including prominent leaders, in addition to wounding 15 others.”

The Islamic State was founded in 1999. It has almost twenty years of experience carrying out thousands of suicide bombings. That Islamic State cell was annihilated by Arab League commandos, not a faulty suicide vest.

I’ve had the great privilege of communicating with Arab League strategic special operators. There are two things you need to understand about these soldiers: They’re mortified that their heritage is now associated with terrorism, and they know that they’ve become the best warriors in the world. When you’re the best in the world, you can easily see the pitiful limitations of others.

To Saudi strategic special operators, distinctions such as Sunni, Shi’ite, Alawite, Christian, and Jew mean nothing. These men “have slipped the surly bonds of Earth” and “done a hundred things you have not dreamed of.”

They view Israelis as their family. “Tell them we will die for them,” one operator said.

Believe it.

Wildest technology

Watch this.

A flying black box that dives down onto the truck.





It produces a yellow-green fuel-air explosion.


The munition has no visible means of propulsion. It comes in several sizes, one for individual terrorists! In the video below, skip forward to 0:42.



I think they have rotors that function as wings. We have video of a miniature Black Box of Death diving on a terrorist in Yemen.

It hit him right behind the head.


And it didn’t even muss the hair of the men around him.


More wildest technology

Next, there’s a tiny, super-fast missile used on a “technical” or gun truck in Manbij.



This missile appears identical to the ones used in Yemen and at Tishreen Dam, except that it’s larger.


The three munitions register on video in exactly the same way. They seem to be…swimming.

And then we have another yellow-green fuel-air explosion.


Jaysh al-Thuwar used this weapon when fighting Islamists in Aleppo.


What’s the takeaway from all of this?

Wildest peace on its way

The Saudis have decided to junk centuries of tradition and start over. First they made peace with Israel, and then they trained thousands of strategic special operators in new ways of fighting with new weapons, but a new code of ethics was adopted too.

“So that others will be free.”

Mohammed bin Salman is a problem solver. The more complex the challenge, the more he likes it.


But he’s also enlightened. All he cares about is whether or not we can work together. I’m positive that labels mean nothing to him.

The Middle East has a long way to go, as the video below illustrates. First, the title and description.

Syrian Turkmens at the front avenge the blood of our martyrs in Istanbul and Ankara

Aleppo - Sheikh Maqsoud - Double-sized rounds from Hell Cannons (Turkmens 1) continue to drop on the PYD front lines to get revenge for our fallen brothers and sisters in Istanbul and Ankara. Our compatriots send Zoroastrian and Armenian degenerates to hell as a gift for our Turkish martyrs.

The Democratic Union Party (PYD) is the Syrian branch of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which the Turks accuse of carrying out multiple suicide bombings in the past few months.

Needless to say, Turkmens are avenging nothing by bombing Syrian Kurdish civilians who are in no way responsible for what’s happening in Turkey.

If I were the Turkmens in that video, I’d begin looking over my shoulder. These tribal blood feuds are obsolete. The Saudis and their allies give everyone multiple chances. But if you refuse to stop, they eventually send guys like this after you.


A major of the Special Forces, he has eight qualifications badges.

US Army jump wings.
US Navy jump wings.
Saudi Land Forces jump wings.
Saudi Naval Forces jump wings.
Saudi Air Force pilot’s wings.
Saudi Land Forces marksmanship badge.
Saudi explosive-ordnance disposal badge.
Saudi Combat Diver badge.

He’s a one-man army. Who do you think will win, the Saudi Special Forces or the Sultan Murad Brigades?



I first heard the song “Tomorrow Never Knows” in college. Truer words were never spoken. Like the Middle East, it haunted me.

But now, tomorrow does know. The most pain-wracked region on earth is being saved. Color me gobsmacked. Happily so.

Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream
It is not dying, it is not dying
Lay down all thought, surrender to the void
It is shining, it is shining
That you may see the meaning of within
It is being, it is being
That love is all and love is everyone
It is knowing, it is knowing
And ignorance and hate, they mourn the dead
It is believing, it is believing
But listen to the color of your dreams
It is not living, it is not living
Or play the game Existence to the end
Of the beginning, of the beginning
Of the beginning, of the beginning
Of the beginning, of the beginning
Of the beginning, of the beginning