Thomas Wictor

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Jihadists in Syria fall into the Saudi trap

In August of 2015, General Anwar Eshki gave an amazing interview to the Wall Street Journal. A former Saudi National Security Adviser, Eshki laid out in plain language what would happen in the Middle East. The Saudis had prepared a trap for the Islamic State; what nobody knew at the time was that this strategy…


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Gloom, despair, and agony on all of us. WE’RE DOOMED!

“Gloom, Despair, and Agony.” Gloom, despair, and agony on me Deep dark depression, excessive misery If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all Gloom, despair, and agony on me Some people are just not happy unless they’re unhappy. This mindset will never change. Let’s say that every alarmist claim you read…


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Tribalism is the downfall of the west

I’m old enough to remember a period during which Americans weren’t belligerent idiots. The cause of our decline is tribalism. Western tribalism is a sort of junk-food version, dumber and more superficial than what you find in so-called backward regions of the world. The blindness of tribalism I knew this was phony the second I…


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Objective truth DOES exist, no matter how much it’s denied

A million years ago, I tried to make a documentary about the Hamas murder of Ismail Bakr, Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr, four Palestinian boys said to have been killed by the IDF on a beach in Gaza, July 16, 2014. I learned during the process that what I’d heard is correct: Journalists…


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Weapon descriptions for Colonel Richard Kemp

In answer to a question by Colonel Richard Kemp, this post contains videos of new weapon systems used in the Syrian civil war. My theory is that the Arab League and its Asian, Central Asian, and African allies have created new units called “C6ISR forces,” a term coined by IDF Brigadier General Gal Hirsch (retired)….


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Movies and television are entertainment, not manuals

My favorite art form is film. Movies. When I watch movies, I get lost in them. And yet I’ve never once thought that a film or TV character was someone to emulate. Unfortunately much—most?—of the world behaves as though it’s starring in a blockbuster film. Political movies I hate politics. My involvement in politics began…


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Soft bigotry doesn’t make you morally superior

I support Israel, but there are times when Israelis make me think that it’s a wasted effort. Specifically, I despise the Israeli penchant for national displays of histrionic self-loathing. The current reason to scream and rend one’s garments is because an IDF soldier shot to death a wounded Palestinian terrorist. All the Israelis wailing about…


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Heterodox thinking made victory possible

I never fit in. It didn’t bother me very much, but my heterodox way of looking at things made life more difficult than it should’ve been. There were times when I wished I could be a magnificent blockhead, marching in lockstep with my peers. Well, I’ve been purged forever of even the slightest wistfulness over…


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Prediction: Peace between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims

My gut told me that something extraordinary was happening in Syria. It took me weeks to find the evidence. I’m now convinced that I’m right, so my prediction is that Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims will make peace within the next five years. A prediction based on fact I found video of something that I won’t…


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Belgium as microcosm of western decay

The worst thing that ever happened to western culture was World War I. It drove Europeans insane forever, and it made Americans think that we have all the answers. Belgium is now a perfect museum display of what ails the west. Will we survive? I don’t know. Belgium talks a good game But talk is…


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