Thomas Wictor

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Miniature missiles are being used to kill terrorists

If you follow the Yemen and Syria wars, you’re aware that a gigantic number of Syrian, Iranian, Hezbollah, Houthi, al-Qaeda, Islamic State, jihadist, and Russian commanders have been killed. It was a mystery to me, since all of these men were heavily guarded. Now we have a video that shows one weapon that Arab and…


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Blather, symbolism, weakness, denial, and irresponsibility

What’s the main response to the Islamic State bombings in Brussels, Belgium, that killed 31? Blather. Some of it is astonishing. This neatly illustrates the collapse of western culture. A hashtag—#StopIslam—is worse than this. A steel bolt embedded in a person’s body. The terrorists at Zaventem International Airport put bolts in their suitcase bombs. Someone…


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Wealth has never made a nation free

President Obama has visited Cuba. His trip was a giant waste of time, because there’s no relationship between wealth and freedom. In fact recent history shows that when repressive societies become wealthier, they become less free. This photo is the perfect allegorical comment on President Obama’s visit to Cuba. The doddering, blood-stained dictator Raul Castro…


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Mayhem as pigs and robots deployed to stop Trump

Fountain Hills, Arizona—Maricopa Country Sheriff Joe Arpaio was taken completely by surprise yesterday when pig-human hybrids and robots with stupendous breasts blocked Shea Boulevard in an attempt to prevent thought-criminals from access to the ravings of satanic world-destroyer and Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. Global mayhem ensued, due to the sheer size of the…


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Negativity guarantees that you will lose

If you want to win a war, you can’t depend only on weapons, technology, training, skill, tactics, and strategies. You also have to be optimistic. Nothing will defeat you more quickly than your own negativity. This applies to life in general, of course. Not just the battlefield. Negativity is suicidal The unavoidable fate of military…


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Cutting the Gordian knot of Syria is beyond OUR power

The Gordian knot is a legend from antiquity used to symbolize what seems like an insoluble program. Gordias the peasant was made king of the Phrygians; his son Midas dedicated Gordias’s ox-cart to the Phrygian god Sabazios and tied it to a post with an intricate knot of cornel bark. In 333 BCE, Alexander the…


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Temperament incompatible with what I do

A person who goes against the crowd should be able to cheerfully accept that most people will be hostile to that differing viewpoint. My temperament prevents me from maintaining an even keel in the face of unreasonable belligerence. It’s not a mystery why. As I child, I was always right. I could tell what was…


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Actions are what counts. We can trust the Saudis

Someone asked if the world can trust the Saudis. Well, their actions prove to me that they’re 100 percent trustworthy. Saudi Arabia is in the midst of one of history’s greatest and fastest transformations. If I had my way, everyone would concentrate on the huge accomplishments and ignore the rest. I believe I know what…


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Times when it has indeed filled the sun

When I started publicly defending Israel in June of 2014, I became the object of the most depraved hate I’d ever encountered. I thought Jew-haters were the bottom of the barrel, but I was wrong. Times were not tough at all back then. In the past few weeks, I’ve been called a racist, a member…


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Peace through massively superior firepower

We will soon see peace in the Middle East. The Arab League and Israel are cleaning house once and for all. This post is full of videos that will explain a huge development. Vladimir Putin today unexpectedly ordered his military forces to start to withdraw from Syria. The Russian President said the Russian military intervention…


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