Thomas Wictor

Clown Apocalypse, otherwise known as western culture

Clown Apocalypse, otherwise known as western culture

During World War I, German flamethrower pioneer Georg Lembke served on the Italian Front. He called it the Clown Apocalypse, due to the suicidal incompetence of the Austro-Hungarians and the Italians.

Through sheer coincidence, I bought a photo of Georg, taken on December 28, 1916; the image shows his platoon about to assault the Dead Man in Verdun.



An hour after the photo was taken, Georg was so severely wounded by artillery fire that he spent months in hospital and was declared unfit for flamethrower duty. Instead, he became a hand-grenade thrower in the regiment.

Georg hated steel helmets and never wore them. They restricted his hearing. If he were going to receive a head injury, he wanted it to be fatal. He lived to be ninety-two.

It was on the Italian Front that Georg witnessed men killing themselves in histrionic ways that made no sense to him. Life was a gift to be cherished, not thrown away.

Clown outreach

Bernie Sanders’s new Jewish Outreach Director is Simone Zimmerman.


In keeping with the American clown-theme, Zimmerman hates Jews and Israel.


Young American clown-women have been taught to be repulsive harpies. Nobody ever says, “Shut up, Ms. Clown,” so Zimmerman thinks she’s making sense by indignantly declaring that the Israeli prime minister doesn’t speak for Americans.

Now these imbeciles are going to take over the country. That’s fine. The West is on the verge of not mattering anymore. Since we didn’t put a stop to this, we deserve all the grief we’re going to get.

The opposite of a clown

Today I learned that I was right about everything I surmised. Saudi Arabia is leading the Middle East into a new era. What prevented this in the past was the lack of absolutely deadly armed forces that can defeat any and all retrograde movements. Israeli technology, Arab-Muslim skill at camouflage, and the desire to improve have finally made peace not only possible but inevitable.

Here’s the biggest story you haven’t heard.

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman arrived at Turkey’s Presidential Palace here Tuesday to meet President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with talks focused on increasing political and military ties and trade and investment.

Earlier, the king was honored with a 21-gun salute on arrival, followed by Erdogan awarding him Turkey’s highest honor, the Order of State. Erdogan, in a speech, praised the king for his efforts to strengthen relations between the two nations.

Erdogan said his government was committed to working with King Salman on several critical issues including measures to establish regional peace and security.

Erdogan said it was important for the two countries to ensure there was realignment on these critical fronts. This would ensure stability across the region, he said according to SPA.

King Salman, in his speech, said that the two countries face issues of common concern, which included finding a solution to the Palestinian conflict, an end to the Syrian crisis and confronting attempts by foreign countries to interfere in the region.

He said these challenges could only be confronted if there was a united front against terrorists and those with imperialist ambitions.

Guess who they’re talking about?


And I can prove it.

Clown armies

This is truly hilarious.

On April 12 the Syrian army began its assault on the positions of the Al-Nusra Front radical Islamist group in the suburbs of Aleppo, reported the Associated Press.

According to Chief of General Staff Main Operations Lieutenant General Sergei Rudskoi, the government forces – with Russia’s support – are not planning to storm the city, but are merely trying to prevent a terrorist blockade of Aleppo.

Viktor Litovkin, a military observer for the TASS news agency, noted that the enemy would be difficult to flush out of Aleppo’s streets and residential areas.

“The problem is that the militants are hiding in densely populated urban neighborhoods. Aleppo is Syria’s second largest city and operations in an urban context can be conducted only in a ‘surgical way’: with ground forces and with special forces,” he said.

Syria and Russia just admitted that someone else will go into Aleppo and defeat the terrorists. It won’t be Iran or its Iraqi, Afghan, Pakistani, and Thai proxies.


They can’t fight. Videos reveal men with abysmal training. Only rarely is military skill shown in Syria, and in every case, the combatants are unidentified Middle Eastern men fighting against Assad, Iran, Hezbollah, the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and other jihadists.

More clown-play.

The leader of the Syrian Arab Army’s “Tiger Forces”, Colonel Suheil Al-Hassan, has been named the head commander for the coming government offensive in Aleppo.

According to a military source in Damascus City, the Russian military advisers chose Col. Hassan to lead this offensive because of his long history of military success and adept field command.

Earlier this week, there was much speculation that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) prominent commander, Major General Qassem Suleimani, was going to lead these operations; however, he will only be advising Col. Hassan.

Here’s the means by which Qassem Sulemani will be advising Colonel al-Hassan.


Suleimani has been an ex-terrorist for several months now.


Colonel Suheil al-Hassan—commander of the Tiger Forces—is on the right below.


And here’s Colonel Suheil al-Hassan in February of 2015.


The secret to turning back the clock is a year of brutal combat.


Those two men bear no resemblance whatsoever. And below are the Tiger Forces.

They have no night-vision goggles, they don’t take cover, and they fire in all directions, shooting far over the heads of men hidden behind earthen berms. What you see above is a rabble.

Clown explanations

So, who believes this?

Notably, after the US expressed concern about how a major operation against Jabhat al-Nusra near Aleppo could affect the cease-fire ahead of new talks, Russia did not provide air support to Iranian special forces involved in intense clashes against Jabhat al-Nusra in Al-Eis, near Aleppo, on April 11-12, an Iranian and a British journalist near Aleppo said.

Vladimir Putin said to his generals, “Guys, I’d really like to help our allies Iran and Syria, but John Kerry asked me to not fight al-Qaeda, so we’ll have to sit out this crucial battle.”


You know what did happen at Al-Eis on April 11-12? Someone blew the absolute hell out of everybody on the battlefield. Al-Qaeda, the Iranians, Hezbollah, Iraqis, Afghans, and Pakistanis were all killed. Both sides put out videos that show fields of corpses. The Al-Nusra Front made a great video that they claim depicts Iranian special forces retreating.

Since we know the length of the armored vehicles, we can calculate distances. Most of those men were running 20 miles per hour (32 kilometers per hour) over uneven ground. The reason they achieved such speed is that they’re computer-generated imagery (CGI). The video is fake.

Clown death

The city of Aleppo has a Kurdish neighborhood called Sheikh Maqsoud.


Kurds in Sheikh Maqsoud are bombarded with Hell Cannons by the following Islamists.

Imam Bukhari Jamaat (also known as Katibat Imam al Bukhari)
al Nusra Front
Ansar al Islam
Ahrar al Sham
al Jabha al-Shamiya
Caucasus Emirate in Syria
Sultan Murad Brigades
Jaish al Usrah
Fateh Sultan Mehmet Battalions
Fa Istaqim Kama Omirt Battalions
Nour ad-Deen Zinki Battalions
the 13th Brigade
al-Fauj al-Oal
the 116th Firka Battalion
Abu Omara Battalions

Why don’t these thousands of Arabs, Uzbeks, Turks, Turkmens, Chechens, and Dagestanis just overrun Sheikh Maqsoud?

Because Aleppo is crawling with friends of the Kurds who are tracking down the ones firing the Hell Cannons. Fewer than 100 Kurds have been killed. The terrorists put out videos that show their stupid cannons.


What they don’t reveal is how fast they run and hide after firing. Hunter-killer teams are exterminating the cannoneers. Quietly. I’ve counted multiple raids that are increasing in frequency.

More clown death

Bernie Sanders’s new clown-witch can impotently spew her venom until she’s a haggard crone. Israel WON. I was wrong when I said that Jewish people give others too many chances. The rest of the region is now arriving where the Israelis landed first.

Arms sales show that Israel and the Arab League made peace in 2007. I was afraid that Israel would—given the deranged internal and external pressure—begin to rely on its new allies to do the hard work.

Wrong again!

Palestinian terrorist General Fathi “Zorro” Zaydan before.


General Fathi “Zorro” Zaydan after.


No. That wasn’t a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED). There’s no collateral damage. Everything around the car is virtually unscathed.

Typically for Palestinian terrorists, Fatah doctored the scene. First they cut apart the car and set everything on fire.


“Civilians” then took over from first responders.


We went from this…


To this.


The elegant Israeli fuel-air explosive missile wasn’t dramatic enough, so Fatah went full clown-chimpanzee on the wreckage. They did it for the benefit of Bernie Sanders and his nauseating young Jew-hating weirdo.

And at Fathi Zaydan’s funeral, the Fatah honor guard wore American uniforms.


I keep telling you: Jew-hate rots your brain. It’s cancer of the mind.