Thomas Wictor

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The lost art of disagreeing

When I wrote my post debunking the Islamic State propaganda film Healing the Believers’ Chests, I had two goals: to show that Lieutenant Moath Youssef al-Kasasbeh didn’t suffer the hideous death depicted, and to undermine the terrorists’ ability to recruit new members. I didn’t anticipate that so many people are personally and emotionally invested in the…


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Yes, they recruit by committing atrocities

I’m getting tons of messages about my exposure of the Islamic State video Healing the Believers’ Chests as a hoax. A lot of it is hate mail, written by people who can’t think, but more disconcerting are the messages from those who don’t accept that Muslim terrorists commit atrocities as a way to recruit new…


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Why would the Islamic State fake the video?

Last night I received an e-mail about my post “The Jordanian Pilot was not Burned Alive,” which I wrote in reference to the Islamic State video Healing the Believers’ Chests. The film is a hoax; I have no doubt. But that doesn’t mean that you have to believe me. Here’s the e-mail I received. Hello…


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Sorry, “experts.” The Islamic State video is a hoax

Last night I posted “The Jordanian Pilot was not Burned Alive,” in reference to the Islamic State video Healing the Believers’ Chests. In response, several self-described video effects (VFX) experts sent me messages. First, let me explain why the Islamic State pretended to burn Lieutenant Moath Youssef al-Kasasbeh instead of beheading him. Executions in Islam…


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The Jordanian pilot was not burned alive

Royal Jordanian Air Force pilot Lieutenant Moath Youssef al-Kasasbeh was murdered by the Islamic State. However, the video they released of Lieutenant al-Kasasbeh’s murder—freakishly titled “Healing the Believers’ Chests”—proves beyond all doubt that he was not burned alive. The flames are computer-generated imagery (CGI). I had initially intended to not watch the video, but the…


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Colonel Richard Kemp will be in our movie

Colonel Richard Kemp is the former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan, and he will appear in the Pierre Rehov documentary about Operation Protective Edge. Mr. Rehov has completed the interview, so I have permission to make the announcement. Colonel Kemp is an extremely brave man, and not only in the sense of physical…


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The hubris of Jew-hater Peter Stahl

Hubris is defined as excessive pride that leads to one’s own downfall. The Jew-hating criminal Peter Stahl self-published an e-book titled The Bunche Report and sent me the forward that he said he would attribute to me. This was a remarkably stupid move on his part. I e-mailed it to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, and…


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Jew-hating criminal Peter Stahl

Peter Stahl is just another of the many con artists I’ve encountered in my life. He goes by the name Arthur D. Royster, a purported dealer in Nazi memorabilia, but he’s a fraud. Yesterday I learned that Stahl had put my name on a new foreword to a book he titled The Bunche Report; the…


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Jew-hating lunatic publishes book under my name

A Jew-hating lunatic named Arthur D. Royster, real name Peter Stahl, has published a Kindle book under my name. It’s titled The Bunche Report. Stahl is so addled and stupid that he actually sent me the incontrovertible evidence that he’s the author of this defamatory and completely litigation-worthy opus. Don’t worry: The address and phone…


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No, killing terrorists is not “assassination”

Yesterday the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published a piece titled “Report: Assassination of Hezbollah’s Imad Mugniyeh was Joint U.S.-Israeli Operation.” The Israeli and American foreign intelligence services worked together to assassinate Hezbollah international operations chief Imad Mughniyeh in 2008, The Washington Post reports. The U.S. never admitted its role in the killing. But former U.S. officials…


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