Thomas Wictor

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The IDF killed no journalists in Gaza

Not real journalists. And there was no deliberate targeting either. Someone sent me a link to Journalists Under Fire, a short film by an organization with the Orwellian name of The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms. The movie is nothing but lies, from beginning to end. You made your bed, Palestinian terrorists and…


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Lead, follow, or get out of the way

The United States is finally seeing the fruits of our government’s fecklessness. We act in the interest of our national security, and so do other nations. Since the current administration has decided to neither lead nor follow, it’s time for the US to get out of the way. Hand in hand with indecisiveness comes a…


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The sicker they are, the more predictable

The late psychiatrist David Viscott said that the sicker people get, the more generic they become. Their actions become entirely predictable. Before I give you the latest example, I want to clarify: By sick, I mean pathological, not ill. People make themselves pathological. It’s a choice. They engage in behavior that they know is wrong….


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At the root of all conspiracy theories

Behold a reader’s message. Personally, I don’t believe in ANY of the classic conspiracy theories that refuse to die: the JFK assassination, Area 51, Flight 800, Roswell, 9/11, chem trails, the Illuminati, and so on. Of course some conspiracies theories are true, but the overwhelming majority aren’t. To me it’s extremely obvious that the Islamic…


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This is why I own guns

I never owned guns until 2006. Now I have four, and I intend to buy two more. Currently I have three revolvers and one semiautomatic carbine. At some point I’ll purchase a 12-gauge shotgun and a Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM 16. The reason I don’t have a semiautomatic rifle now is that the bullets could…


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Copenhagen terrorist: another amateur

There were two terrorist attacks in Copenhagen, Denmark today. My gut tells me that the same man carried them out. He’s an amateur, his incompetence a testament to the horrendously low caliber of people attracted to the jihadist cause. The first attack was on the cafe in the Krudttønden cultural center, shortly before 4:00 p.m….


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We must kill them

Excerpt from the testimony of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn (Retired), former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), telling the House Armed Services Committee that when it comes to the Islamic state, our only option is to kill them. Today I have the unhappy task of informing you that according to every metric of significance,…


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This is why I debunked the Islamic State video

My post “The Islamic State did not burn the Jordanian pilot alive” made a lot of people angry. They said that I was trying to minimize Islamic State savagery, and that the post denigrated the courage of Royal Jordanian Air Force pilot Lieutenant Moath Youssef al-Kasasbeh. If you actually read the post, you saw that…


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Insanity and Jew-hate go together like peas and carrots

I’ve learned a lot over the past eight months. When this period of my life is over, and I return to my monkish existence, I’ll reflect on the fact that Jew-hate is easily the most virulent form of insanity I’ve ever encountered. Dumb insanity Today on Twitter a Syrian was jabbering about “greasy Yids.” What…


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Jew-hating criminal Peter Stahl responds

A Jew-hating con artist and criminal named Peter Stahl took interest in me after I explained why I was glad to get out of the military-history milieu. It’s populated by lunatics and Jew-haters, of which Peter Stahl is both. He wrote a foreword to his book The Bunche Report, illegally signed my named to it,…


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