Thomas Wictor

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Nobody actually believes this garbage

I was asked to comment on a stinking pile of garbage. Israeli soldier gives 74-year old Palestinian woman water then shoots her in the head During the Israeli bombardment and shelling of the Gaza Strip last summer, an Israeli soldier approached a 74-year-old Palestinian woman Ghalya Abu-Rida to give her a sip of water. He…


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Before there were hashtags

The terrorist group Boko Haram is wreaking total havoc in Nigeria and neighboring countries. It massacres Christians and kidnaps children from Cameroon and Niger. Girls become slaves, and boys are made into fighters. In response to the kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls, the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls was created, and people posed holding it written on placards….


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The people who cried wolf

“The Boy Who Cried Wolf” is one of Aesop’s fables. There was once a young Shepherd Boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest. It was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought upon a plan by which he could get a little company and some…


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No, snipers are not cowards

The sign of a mediocre mind is having passionate opinions without factual knowledge. Former filmmaker Michael Moore has made a career of telling imbeciles what they want to hear. Now he’s sounding off on military snipers. First of all, it’s a lead-pipe cinch that Moore didn’t have an uncle who was killed by a sniper…


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The happiest man on earth

Thanks to a mysterious woman who has all sorts of skills that make me wonder who she really is, I met the happiest man who ever lived. His name is Pierre Rehov. Someday I hope Mr. Rehov writes a memoir. We’ve had several long discussions by phone; his happiness isn’t the type seen here. If…


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Pierre Rehov is actually making TWO movies

Today Pierre Rehov gave me permission to announce that he’s actually making two documentaries at the same time. Both will be released simultaneously. Like the first movie, this one is fully funded. In fact, the reason Mr. Rehov decided to make two movies at the same time was that it was more economical. Since he…


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A hideously ironic editorial

After losing eleven of their staff to murderous terrorists pushing a totalitarian ideology, Charlie Hebdo has published a hideously ironic editorial pushing a totalitarian ideology. Written by Editor-in-Chief Gérard Biard, “Will There Continue to be, ‘Yes, but’” shows that the survivors of the attack haven’t learned a thing. For a week now, Charlie, an atheist…


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The best soldiers of World War I were Muslim

Since we’re talking about France and Muslims, and since we’re now in the centennial of World War I, here’s a post on the best troops of that conflict. Without question, the most skilled, feared, and successful units of both sides were Muslim. First, the Central Powers—Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. The Bosnian regiments…


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It’ll end badly

I was born in Venezuela. For the first four years of my life, my closest relationship was with a woman named Delia. She was technically our maid, but in reality she was my surrogate mother. I grew up speaking English and Spanish interchangeably. Although we lived in oil camps, we interacted with Venezuelans daily. Believe…


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No, the Paris terrorism wasn’t a false flag

I’ve gotten several messages asking me if the January 7-9 terrorist attacks in Paris were a “false flag” operation intended to inflame the public against Muslims and rally support for more government control. The Israeli Mossad is said to be the real culprit. Less than a second of thought will debunk this monumentally insipid claim:…


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