Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Yemen’ Category

Media doublethink hits all-time high

It’s annoying to have to wade through swamps of manure in order to find the truth. This evening I had a conversation with my brother Tim about doublethink, a term coined by George Orwell in his dystopian masterpiece Nineteen Eighty-four. Doublethink is the ability to accept two mutually contradictory beliefs. It’s part of newspeak, the…


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Protect me from my friends

I can’t write a long post tonight because I’m on a new medication. It makes me extremely groggy. The effect should wear off in a couple of weeks. Therefore I’ll recycle an old post and add to it. This is about the notion of who or what we can depend on to protect us. Since…


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Why I’ve never had an agenda

In my senior year of college in Portland, Oregon, a group of friends and I went to an all-you-can-eat brunch buffet at a Chinese restaurant every Sunday morning. It was there that a guy named Mike christened me a “convictionless amoeba” for not have an agenda. I laughed for hours. That was exceptional use of…


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Keep calm and prepare to celebrate

I earn my living though investing. My brother Tim manages my accounts. Investing isn’t for everybody, because the market is subject to completely irrational panic-selling. The world, in fact, is in love with fear. My message, on the other hand, is to keep calm. Everything will be fine. People are afraid because of articles like…


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The danger of calling everything a war crime

For years “human rights” groups, aid organizations, other NGOs, and the United Nations have dishonestly claimed that almost every Israeli military action is a war crime. Beginning March 26, 2015, the Saudi-led Coalition fighting to defeat Ansar Allah—the Houthis—in Yemen has also been accused of war crimes. There’s absolutely no evidence that the Coalition is…


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Saudi Arabia announces the next phase

Everyone in the Middle East who cherishes freedom and peace should celebrate September 29, 2015. Today Saudi Arabia made clear that the next phase of reformation and stabilization has begun. Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad must leave office or face being turfed out by force, Saudi foreign minister Adel Al-Jubeir says. Mr Jubeir rejected Russian calls…


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The war is saving Yemeni lives

Yesterday I wrote a post titled “In Yemen No Evidence is Required.” It’s about how the press and NGOs slander the Saudi-led Coalition fighting Ansar Allah, the Iranian-backed Shi’ite terrorist group also called the Houthis. One such dishonest NGO is Action on Armed Violence (AOAV), which issued the entirely fraudulent report State of Crisis: Explosive…


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In Yemen no evidence is required

In Yemen, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) serve as propaganda arms of Ansar Allah, the radical Shi’ite terrorists known as the Houthis. Both NGOs have put out entirely fact-free indictments of the Saudi-led Coalition fighting to take control of Yemen from the Iran-backed Houthis. There’s simply no evidence for the…


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Even the wolves are sheep

Almost everybody is really ordinary, now more than ever. In this Golden Age of Mediocrity, even the wolves are sheep. You see it everywhere. There’s no “ruling elite” that gets together to conspire against us. Almost all of the human race finds talent and excellence to be alienating. You know what the “one percenters” do…


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Why I admire the Emiratis

The plan to take back Yemen was brilliantly unorthodox. Instead of invading, the Coalition—Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Senegal, and Pakistan—would protect two pockets of resistance: Little Aden and Crater. In those cities, people held out against tens of thousands of besiegers: Houthis, soldiers loyal to former dictator…


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