Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Yemen’ Category

It’s all right to be suspicious

A lot of people are suspicious that the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis in Yemen might turn against Israel. I don’t think that will happen. Before I explain why, let me say that I’m not critical of people who don’t trust the Coalition. When I began defending Israel in June of 2014, I was assaulted…


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Why the Coalition will win in Yemen

Here’s a report from the Marib Front in Yemen. I tried to translate it from Arabic, but I couldn’t. Hopefully a speaker of Arabic will translate it for me, and I’ll update this post. Journalist Yaheya Swaree says that the Coalition ground forces have surrounded the Houthis on three sides at Marib. On August 3,…


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“I’m no expert, but you’re wrong.”

Last summer, about 98.9 percent of the world’s Jew-haters contacted me to tell me that I was wrong about everything I posted on Israeli military actions. My posts were based on my knowledge of munitions, which I’ve studied for more than forty years. Actually, it’s getting closer to fifty years, since I started when I…


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The Orwellian reporting on Yemen

As I get older, I become less able to put up with organized dishonesty. I loathe groups that work together to spread lies. The Orwellian reporting on Yemen signifies that western culture is nearing a point of no return. The rot runs so deep that we may not recover. George Orwell’s novel 1984 is truly…


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Yemen: Tyler Hicks up to his old tricks

In Gaza, New York Times photographer Tyler Hicks was deeply involved in the Hamas military deception operation that claimed the lives of Ismail Bakr, Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr. Now Hicks and writer Kareem Fahim have teamed up for the New York Times’ misleading and utterly nonfactual piece “Airstrikes Take Toll on Civilians…


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The BBC, a propaganda arm of Iran

A few days ago, a Yemeni wrote to me and asked for help in debunking the lies that Ansar Allah—the Houthis—are telling in Yemen as part of their effort to discredit both non-Shi’ite Yemenis and the Saudi-led Coalition that has intervened in order to restore the government of President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi. Now I’m…


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Yemen, where journalism killed itself

There’s no question anymore: Yemenis are the victims of one of history’s greatest injustices. Yemen is where journalism killed itself. The press committed suicide in exchange for rooms in five-star hotels and sex. I’m now convinced that nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) use sex the way political lobbyists do. It’s the only possible explanation for the almost…


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Weapons of truth for Yemenis

Last night I posted a letter from a Yemeni about the current war. To be clear: I oppose Ansar Allah—the Houthis—because they’re proxies of the Iranian mullahs. I support the Coalition fighting the Houthis because I want to see the Iranian mullahs overthrown. The mullahs cause all the wars in the Middle East. They arm…


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A letter from a Yemeni

This is a letter from a Yemeni. I’ll break it up into segments so that we can better grasp how amazing it is. The letter shows that I was right: “Social-justice warriors” have fallen deeply in love with another group of depraved terrorists. In this case it’s Ansar Allah (“Supporters of God”), the Iran-backed Shi’ite…


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Hooray for Houthiwood!

The Palestinians became experts at producing fake videos that portray the Israeli Defense Forces as murderous thugs who drop bombs and fire artillery indiscriminately. It’s a lie, of course: Five times as many Palestinian males as females were reported killed, and there weren’t enough casualties to indicate a blatant disregard for civilian life. In the…


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