Thomas Wictor

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Final phase of Syrian civil war is about to begin

The smart way to win wars is to shape the battlefield. It’s also called battlefield preparation. I believe that the Arab League and its allies have finished laying the groundwork for the final phase of the Syrian war. Final may not mean soon Although the fighting may not stop in the immediate future, it’s clear…


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MILDEC is an acronym that all Middle Easterners should know

Syria is the testing ground for new weapons and war-fighting methods. It’s also where MILDEC or military deception was perfected. MILDEC defeats the enemy without killing him or the civilians he uses as human shields. Until the end of time, armed forces will study Syria and the miracles that the Arab League and her allies…


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Purpose of American troops in the Middle East

US troops in the Middle East are part of Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve. Their purpose is to defeat the Islamic State. Nothing else. The reason I’m saying this is because of a tweet I saw. Azaz is where Syrian Kurds, Islamist rebels, the Islamic State, and Bashar al-Assad’s allies are all fighting…


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PKK video of helicopter shot down is fake

I wasn’t going to write about this, but a western fanboy of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party or PKK made me decide to grind his face into his childish gullibility. I’m sick of smug imbeciles attacking me for no reason. Since they have no factual knowledge, they always resort to personal insults. They’re trying to drive…


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Factoid: the weapon of choice for totalitarians

Norman Mailer was deeply troubled, but he coined a great word: factoid. It means “an invented fact believed to be true because it appears in print.” Almost everything you read is a factoid. It goes without saying that you should disregard almost everything you read. Depleted uranium factoid Look up “depleted uranium Iraq birth defects.”…


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Secular humanism and the wonderful job it does

Although I’m a theist, I’m not religious. Still, nothing irritates me more than secular humanists telling me that the religious are stupid. In reality, secular humanism robs everyone of common sense. It’s the religious who will save the world’s collective rear end. Secular dogma Anti-theists have created the stupidest religion in human history. It’s the…


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Moral preening is terminal cultural decadence

First off: I don’t hate all Irish people. When I meet an Irish person, I don’t have any feelings one way or another. Irishness has no moral content for me. But for twenty-five years, I hated the Irish. It’s because the Provisional Irish Republican Army—not an army; a band of alcoholic terrorists—nearly killed my brother…


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Preference cascade is underway in the Middle East

I never tell people how to think or feel. Everyone has to figure things out for themselves. However, I personally never believed that all Muslims are untrustworthy. I didn’t think that the Middle East would change as rapidly as it is, but I knew that someday things would be different. Now, we’re seeing a full-tilt…


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Gradual unveiling of the new Middle East is taking place

Several months ago I began theorizing about what was happening in the Middle East. Now, the people changing the region have decided to reveal the new reality: Israel and the Arab League are allies, and Arab strategic special operators are possibly the best soldiers in human history. I came to my conclusions in a gradual…


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Medication made me do this. I apologize

I’m on a new medication, which scrambles my brains and makes me tired. And pee. So here’s a passage from my book Ghosts and Ballyhoo. I used to be a music journalist. That forced me to spend a lot of time in Hollywood. Also, my 2007 iMac can’t handle OS 10.11.4 El Capitan. Thus I…


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