Thomas Wictor

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Harsh reality is not like childish fantasy

In the past twenty-four hours, I’ve gotten dozens of messages from Jewish Britons, telling me that the fake Gaza sniper video is suddenly coming up over and over in the UK. British Jews are being called murderers. Does that make sense on any level? Am I now allowed to call all Arab-Americans in Detroit murderers…


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Guest post on the fake Gaza sniper video

A man named Gabe Silber left a comment on my Facebook page about the fake Gaza sniper video. This is just too magnificent to not share. With Gabe’s permission, here it is. First, the original fake Gaza sniper video, put out by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). Then the horrendously dishonest Channel 4 News story,…


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Astounding media stupidity about Gaza

The Wall Street Journal is the latest publication to become Hamas stenographers. “Surveying the Destruction in Gaza” is one of the dumbest news reports I’ve seen. There is no bottom to reach. The western press will continue degrading until it’s a hideous dancing skeleton covered in putrefaction. There’s so much to deconstruct here. The Wall…


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They lied to you about white phosphorus

Israel, I owe you an apology. I should’ve looked into the white phosphorus lie back in 2009. In my defense I didn’t appreciate the scope of the very real global conspiracy to make Israel into a pariah state. The conspirators include the United Nations, the European Union, the press, and every single “human rights” organization…


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Rotten British TV report on Gaza sniper video

Someone asked me if I’d seen Channel 4 News’s report “What Really Happened to Salem Shamaly?” I hadn’t. Now I have. This absolutely horrendous pile of manure should make reporter Inigo Gilmore the global laughingstock of the news profession. But it won’t. It’s a followup to the fake Gaza sniper video I wrote about on…


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An open letter about Israel to Prime Minister David Cameron

Dear Prime Minister Cameron: I’m writing about your threat to cut off twelve British arms export licenses to Israel if hostilities resume. One of my heroes is General William Tecumseh Sherman. He was a very blunt speaker, Prime Minister. What you actually meant is that you’ll cut off arms exports if Israel responds to the…


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Cynical, idiotic journalists make fools of themselves

Move over, Israel! You’ve got competition as a target of cynical, idiotic journalists who have no bloody idea what they’re talking about. This time it’s the Kurds who are being ridiculed by morons. And as we’ve seen from the abysmal reporting coming out of Gaza, the incompetent, catastrophically uninformed clowns who try to present themselves…


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War IS the answer

Since I started writing my posts debunking Pallywood hoaxes, I’ve gotten hundreds of messages from really angry people. They call me a liar, an inhuman monster, a paid Israeli agent, a racist, an Islamophone, a homophobe, an idiot, “unwell,” and lots of other compliments. But not one person has actually told me where I’m wrong…


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Pallywood made by non-Palestinians

I’d like to thank Christina Dickinson for sending me some great Pallywood made by non-Palestinians. This was a tough nut to crack, in the sense that although I knew the video didn’t show what the International Solidarity Movement claims, it took several hours to find the answer. By the end of this piece, you’ll be…


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A case study of media malpractice

On July 20-23, 2014, the Israeli Defense Forces assaulted the Gaza City neighborhood of Shijaiyah (also spelled Shejaiya, Shejaiyya, Shuja’iyya, Shijaiyeh, Shujayya, Shuja’ia, Shuja’iya, and Sajaiyeh). The reporting on this military action is one of the most exceptional examples of media malpractice I’ve ever seen. Not only was the purpose of the assault concealed, vital…


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