Thomas Wictor

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Max Blumenthal debunks Palestinian propaganda, Part Two

In previous assaults on Gaza, Israeli forces met only light resistance. During Operation Cast Lead in 2008-09, when the army attacked Gaza’s civilian population with indiscriminate firepower, most Israeli casualties were the result of fratricide. That’s a lie. Ten IDF soldiers were killed in Operation Cast Lead; only four died from fratricide. But this time…


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The lie that Israel used too much artillery in Gaza

Yesterday Al Jazeera published a piece by Mark Perry titled “Why Israel’s Bombardment of Gaza Neighborhood Left US Officers ‘Stunned.’” It’s a dishonest hit piece that can be debunked with one sentence, but I’ll write a lot more. The lie that Israel used too much artillery in Gaza has been around for a while, so…


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Things that Jew-haters send me

Today started out badly. I’m a night owl, so when the phone rang at 7:00 a.m., I’d only been asleep for maybe three hours. It was a laughing women who wanted me to take a survey on whether or not I supported editing DVDs to make them family friendly. This was after one of the…


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The historic defeat of Hamas

People lie and say stupid things because they’re corrupt, they’re dishonest, they’re idiots, or they want desperately to be liked by the in-crowd. The biggest in-crowd of all time is those who hate Jews. Even people who don’t hate Jews go along with the anti-Jewish propaganda because they want to belong. How can the United…


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Anatomy of a media fraud in Gaza

At 12:30 a.m., August 25, 2014, the Israeli Defense Forces bombed the “Italian Compound,” a residential building in the Nasser neighborhood of Gaza City. All sorts of lies are being reported about it. I’ll show you the anatomy of a media fraud. Also, here’s a message to Israelis: Nothing will change until YOU change. You’re…


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What are inert bombs?

I’ve gotten several e-mails asking me, “What are inert bombs? You talk about them a lot, but what are they?” Inert bombs are aerial munitions filled with wet sand or cement. They’re also called “dumb bombs.” Though they were originally designed for training, air forces began using them during wartime in order to reduce collateral…


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Bombing Hamas command posts is not like 9/11

Today the Israeli Air Force bombed a twelve-story apartment building in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City. The building—named “Zafir 4″—collapsed. In a completely obscene attempt at historical revisionism, Palestinians are calling this “Gaza’s 9/11.” In reality the IDF is bombing Hamas command posts; this was one such installation. The Palestinians say that seventeen…


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Faked photos of Gaza International Airport

When I first saw this image of what was said to be the Israeli bombing of Yasser Arafat International Airport on July 7, 2014, I thought it looked very strange. Several other pictures by the same photographer were published, and they all had a whiff of fraudulence about them. A little research proved that these…


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IDF kills three Hamas commanders

The Israeli Defense Forces have killed three Hamas commanders. They were Mohammed Abu Shamalah, Raed Attar, and Mohammed Barhoum. According to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Shin Bet—Israel’s internal counterespionage and counterterrorism agency—located the three terrorists, who were killed in an air strike. First, the IDF video of the strike. Now the aftermath. Since that Reuters report…


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The sick, bigoted cult of Hamas sympathizers

It’s absolutely clear that the press, “human rights” organizations, and the United Nations are Hamas sympathizers. The evidence is overwhelming. Those who support Hamas are actually cultists, and their cultism is based on dual bigotry. One is their Jew-hate, and the other is the insistence on regarding Palestinians as “indigenous people.” Aboriginals, if you will….


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