Thomas Wictor

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While the world was obsessed with Israel…

Judging by the press coverage and social media, you’d think that the only war fought in the last two months was Operation Protective Edge. While the world was obsessed with Israel, there were major developments that may have slipped past you. This sickening Reuters report on the “execution” of “collaborators” in Gaza is typical of…


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Deconstructing “Shujayea: Massacre at Dawn”

The Al Jazeera network has produced a piece of shoddy propaganda titled Shujayea: Massacre at Dawn, by Amjad Almalki and Ahmad Ashour. It’s a genuinely terrible film that gives me the opportunity to expose more Palestinian lies. The twenty-two minutes and forty-two seconds seem like hours, but if you want to watch the whole thing,…


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The most fake-bombed mosque in Gaza

I tried to find out the name of this fake-bombed mosque in Gaza City, but none of the photo captions identify it. If you know, tell me the name, so I can try and find evidence of the terrible damage that all those Israeli aerial munitions caused. My current estimate is that about 90 percent…


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Fake story and fake photos

“How Many Bombs Has Israel Dropped on Gaza?” by Ali Abunimah, may be the dumbest fake story to come out of Operation Protective Edge. A few days before he was killed trying to disarm an unexploded Israeli missile, Hazem Abu Murad, the head of Gaza’s bomb squad, estimated that Israel had dropped between eighteen to…


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The saddest movie ever made

On October 7, 2011, I was diagnosed with Meniere’s disease. My reaction was atypical: By that night I’d shaken off the chronic rage that had defined me. I thought that my new state of mind was permanent, but it wasn’t. No amount of good cheer could’ve withstood the suicides of my parents in February and…


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How do you know I’m lying about Israel?

Not a day goes by without someone accusing me of lying about Israel. That’s from Phil. He’s Irish. Phil has a British clone named Bill. Hi, Bill! They both call me a liar, but they both refuse to read my posts. So how do they know I’m lying? Besides, I discuss munitions, the damage they…


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No, it’s not speculation

Today an Israeli guy on Twitter said he doesn’t read my Pallywood posts because they’re just speculation presented as fact checking. Both points are incorrect. First of all, I’m not a fact checker. I’m a blogger and failed author. The notion of presenting myself as a fact checker cracks me up. Coverage of Israel is…


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Another fake Palestinian sniper video

By now many Israelis have heard of the fake death of Salem Shamaly, the young man in the green shirt. He was allegedly shot by an Israeli sniper in Shijaiyah on July 20, 2014. The video of his “shooting” was put out by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). It’s a transparent fraud. Not only was…


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Israelis know

Imagine living a world in which almost everyone who interacts with you is dishonest, corrupt, irrational, implacable, and hostile. Again and again you find yourself facing generic personalities, humanoids that repeat the same slogans endlessly and can’t be reached. They screw you without mercy, but you have no recourse. Nobody understands. I don’t have to…


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Max Blumenthal debunks Palestinian propaganda, Part One

Today I went looking for evidence of a theory I have about the Battle of Shijaiyah (July 20-23, 2014), and why there’s so little fragmentation damage. I found my answer in of all places one of the most toxic, dishonest, vicious anti-Israel pieces I’ve ever read, “Gruesome Tales Surface of Israeli Massacres Against Families in…


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