Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Pallywood’ Category

I’m still not ready to post

Tonight I wanted to post about Palestinian female combatants, but I’m still not ready. I’m comparing names from three lists; it’s shocking how easy it is to see that women engaged in combat, and then the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, the United Nations, and “human rights” groups covered it up. I’ll show you how a twenty-seven-year-old…


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They’ll never hit bottom

I spent the day preparing to write a post on Palestinian female combatants. Now I don’t have the energy. When you immerse yourself in a culture that will never hit bottom, it saps your will. I’ll write the post tomorrow. You’ll be sickened. As always, I have the evidence. Israelis, you need to demand that…


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Not all conspiracy theories are equal

Last night while I slept—having a wonderful dream about discovering a photo album full of priceless postcards of World War I flamethrowers—the word went out on Twitter to label me a conspiracy theorist. Saying that certain ideas are nothing but conspiracy theories allows the accuser to not address troubling notions. In this case the Twits…


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Hamas tries its hand at parody

Thanks to reader Pam, behold the Hamas parody video The Difference Between the Palestinian Resistance and the Israeli Occupation Army. This is actually Hamas satirically commenting on its own savage war-fighting methods. By pretending that they hold their fire in order to not injure children, Hamas is calling attention to the fact that they use…


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Never trust Wikipedia

Today several people asked me to look at a Danish video showing an aerial view of the destruction in Shijaiyah, a neighborhood of Gaza City. The footage is edited to make it seem as though the entire area was flattened, but the damage was actually confined to two small areas. Just for fun I looked…


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The massacre that never was

Looking over some photos of two dead Palestinian twins led me on a search through Websites. The ones in English are fraudulent, while those in Arabic are honest. The al-Skafi family were not killed in an Israeli massacre. It’s another blood libel. We begin with Beyond the Number and its entry for Sa’ad Akram al-Skafi,…


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Ask Hamas

Currently there’s an “Ask Hamas” campaign on Twitter. If you don’t know how Twitter works, you’re not missing anything. Well, that’s not entirely true, so I’ll explain: You put a hashtag (#) in front of a subject, and all the tweets with that keyword are collected in one place. The terrorist organization’s hashtag is “#AskHamas.”…


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Had to temporarily retract the post. Sorry

I’ve had to temporarily retract the post I wrote last night. We’re all operating under too much stress, so there was a miscommunication. Keep in mind that I’m a former music journalist and failed novelist. I’m not cut out for this kind of work. The post will go up again in a few days. I…


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Nicholas Kristof, Hamas stenographer

The New York Times seems to have an exceptionally close relationship with Hamas. Tyler Hicks got to witness and photograph events closed to all other western journalists, and now Nicholas Kristof has written an opinion piece that would bring a smile to the face of the most hardened terrorist of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades….


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A pandemic of Jew-hate

Today Pierre Rehov sent me the trailer for our documentary on Operation Protective Edge. Although it’s very, very good, it reminded me all over again that Jew-hate is a pandemic. In a rational world, Mr. Rehov and I wouldn’t have had to make this movie. Here I am in the trailer. I wish I could’ve…


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