Thomas Wictor

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The four Palestinian boys killed on the beach

On July 16, 2014, four Palestinian boys were killed on the beach at the port of Gaza City. They were Mohammed Bakr (aged 9), Ahed Bakr (aged 10), Zakaria Bakr (aged 10), and Mohammed Bakr (aged 11). The four boys were killed close to the Al-Deira Hotel, which was full of journalists, yet not one…


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Proud to make your shit list, Warrior Princess

My posts “A fake atrocity video from Gaza” and “More Palestinian fakery” have drawn the attention of the virulently mentally ill. One goes by the Twitter handle of “Warrior Princess.” I knew I’d heard the name before, but I couldn’t remember where. Then it came to me. Xena: Warrior Princess, a fantasy TV Series from…


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Now we’re getting propaganda from space

Whenever Israel is forced into a war, a well-oiled machine whirs into life. The first time I became aware of it was in 1982, when the Israelis invaded Lebanon after the Abu Nidal Organization tried to assassinate the Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom. Although the Lebanese had been slaughtering each other for seven years…


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More Palestinian Fakery

On July 21, 2014, I wrote a post titled “A fake atrocity video from Gaza.” Several people contacted me, either trying to convince me that I was wrong or that even if this particular video was staged, it represented a greater truth. “Fake but accurate” is the phrase, dating from the 2004 forged Texas Air…


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Mike Albee, the stench that won’t go away

After Mike Albee, Lura Dold, and Becca Pilkington defrauded me of my life’s savings and ruined my three books, nobody cared. Some publicist claimed that he’d dedicate his life to destroying Albee, but it was just jive. Not a single law-enforcement agency even responded when I contacted them. Being a cop is all about salary,…


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A fake atrocity video from Gaza

Hooray for Pallywood! If you’re unfamiliar with the term, Pallywood refers to the fraudulent videos that the Palestinians and their supporters put out to try and convince the world that Israel is the new Third Reich. Today the International Solidarity Movement released the most blatantly phony footage I’ve ever seen. A child could deconstruct this…


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A collection of completely random mindthoughts. Someone on Twitter thinks I hate Muslims because I support Israel. She call Jews “big-noses,” so her analysis of world affairs is coming from a different direction as mine. Twitter invited me to follow Life Loving Zo. I’ve declined. After Zo told me that Muslims aren’t killing each other…


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Catastrophe: Why I hate my neighbors

If you read my memoir Ghosts and Ballyhoo, you’ll learn about Syd the Second. I’m absolutely convinced that he was the reincarnation of Syd the First. The reason I call Syd the Second the Cat Who Saved My Life is that he set a magnificent example of how to overcome trauma. Though a maniacally untrustworthy…


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Israel is not the problem

Disclaimer: I’m a hugely biased observer. I support Israel wholeheartedly. Does that mean I agree with everything she does? No. But I don’t agree 100 percent with what any nation—including my own—does. Still, objectively speaking, Israel is not the problem. I’m going to try and convince you of that. The reason I admire the Israelis…


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What happens when a missile hits an airliner?

Yesterday Russian separatists in the Ukraine shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, killing all 298 people on board. In the comments I read on multiple Websites, readers expressed horror at what the passengers must have experienced. One of the things I try to do is alleviate suffering, so I’d like to explain what happens when…


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