Thomas Wictor

Posts Tagged ‘B’Tselem’

Different cultures fight wars in very different ways

Every culture and nation within that culture must decide how it fights wars. What works for one group of people isn’t necessarily acceptable to others. Therefore when I discuss my preferred way of fighting, I’m not saying that everyone should adopt it. Also, when I point out what I see as the shortcomings of different…


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A mutual dance of destruction

Until today, I had no idea how many Israelis and Jews waltz with the Palestinians in a mutual dance of destruction. When I heard that an 18-month-old infant named Ali Saad Dawabsha was killed after his house in Duma, Nablus, was set on fire, I expected the world’s Jew-haters to vomit out their poison. However,…


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The strange case of Ussayed Qaddous

Today I was looking up a different incident when I came across the story of a Palestinian teenager named Ussayed Qaddous, also spelled Osaid Kaddous. He and his cousin were reported killed by the Israeli Defense Forces on March 10, 2010, at the village of Iraq Burin, in the West Bank. I stopped my search…


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Israel didn’t kill 500 Palestinian children

Almost a year after Operation Protective Edge ended, Jew-haters are once again making the ludicrous accusation that Israel killed more than 500 children during the conflict. The true number will never be known, but it’s time to put this fairytale to rest once and for all. We’ll use the list of names provided by the…


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Hacked again; up and running again

Sometime last night my Website was hacked again. My guess it was my post “Submission,” in which I explained that I never join groups and I refuse to give in to threats. I have a private server now, so we can track down the hackers by looking at the log books. That information has…


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No copyright on Pallywood and Gaza beach posts

All of the posts I’ve written on Pallywood and the Hamas Gaza beach operation may be used freely by anybody. They can be reposted, edited, changed, and translated without asking permission. Credit is not necessary. Rewrite them and post them under your own name. This includes professional journalists. I’m not interested in fame or recognition….


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Another reason you should never trust B’Tselem

B’Tselem is the “Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories,” as they call themselves in English. The organization a propaganda arm of the Palestinians. You should never trust them. Every single case they’ve used to beat Israel over the head is fraudulent. Their report of thirty-five people being killed in a four-story…


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The IDF did not shoot Bassem Abu Rahmeh

On April 17, 2009, a thirty-year-old Palestinian named Bassem Abu Rahmeh was hit in the chest by an Israeli tear-gas canister in the village of Bil’in. He later died of his injuries. The IDF was accused of firing an extended-range tear-gas grenade directly at Rahmeh, in complete violation of Israeli rules of engagement. This is…


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They lied to you about white phosphorus

Israel, I owe you an apology. I should’ve looked into the white phosphorus lie back in 2009. In my defense I didn’t appreciate the scope of the very real global conspiracy to make Israel into a pariah state. The conspirators include the United Nations, the European Union, the press, and every single “human rights” organization…


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