Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Weirdness’ Category

An interview with my proofreader

The proofreader of Ghosts and Ballyhoo: Memoirs of a Failed LA Music Journalist is named Tom Pickel. He generously did the job for free. A professional would’ve charged me $2000 at least. Tom is a great proofreader; today he informed me that he’s also a very odd fellow, which is truly excellent. I’m a huge…


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The concept of racism has lost all meaning

Words are supposed to have definitions. One way in which those with nefarious agendas control the steaming masses is by flinging accusations in all directions, hoping to cow dissenters into silence. For years now, there’s been racism behind every tree and under every rock. It took a Twitter user to drive home the point that…


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Flamethrowers! For Ellie

A post about flamethrowers dedicated to Ellie Kesselman, who brought my attention to this. It uses gasoline (petrol), and has a range of 26 feet (8 meters.) The flamethrower was first used by the Greeks in AD 673 to burn Muslim warships besieging Constantinople. This weapon consisted of a metal tube that sprayed what was…


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The main difference between us and animals

There are lots of differences between us and animals. We humans wear clothes, even if it’s just a penis sheath. Almost every group of us has a written language. We manufacture conveyances that defy the laws of nature, just so we can hurry from Point A to Point B. Last night it hit me that…


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Ask Hamas

Currently there’s an “Ask Hamas” campaign on Twitter. If you don’t know how Twitter works, you’re not missing anything. Well, that’s not entirely true, so I’ll explain: You put a hashtag (#) in front of a subject, and all the tweets with that keyword are collected in one place. The terrorist organization’s hashtag is “#AskHamas.”…


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An offering to the gods of SEO

I’m so tired I can’t think. Brother Cat is driving me crazy with his neediness, nonstop meowing, and roller-coaster emotions. Other things are happening too. But to make the gods of SEO happy, I must post tonight. SEO is search-engine optimization. Back when I wanted to sell books, it was important to have high search-engine…


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At the root of all conspiracy theories

Behold a reader’s message. Personally, I don’t believe in ANY of the classic conspiracy theories that refuse to die: the JFK assassination, Area 51, Flight 800, Roswell, 9/11, chem trails, the Illuminati, and so on. Of course some conspiracies theories are true, but the overwhelming majority aren’t. To me it’s extremely obvious that the Islamic…


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Insanity and Jew-hate go together like peas and carrots

I’ve learned a lot over the past eight months. When this period of my life is over, and I return to my monkish existence, I’ll reflect on the fact that Jew-hate is easily the most virulent form of insanity I’ve ever encountered. Dumb insanity Today on Twitter a Syrian was jabbering about “greasy Yids.” What…


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Jew-hating criminal Peter Stahl responds

A Jew-hating con artist and criminal named Peter Stahl took interest in me after I explained why I was glad to get out of the military-history milieu. It’s populated by lunatics and Jew-haters, of which Peter Stahl is both. He wrote a foreword to his book The Bunche Report, illegally signed my named to it,…


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Jew-hating criminal Peter Stahl

Peter Stahl is just another of the many con artists I’ve encountered in my life. He goes by the name Arthur D. Royster, a purported dealer in Nazi memorabilia, but he’s a fraud. Yesterday I learned that Stahl had put my name on a new foreword to a book he titled The Bunche Report; the…


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