Thomas Wictor

Battle of Midway has been won in the Middle East

Battle of Midway has been won in the Middle East

As I get older, I become more impatient. Therefore I’m not actually the right person to be blogging about the great changes in the Middle East. But since nobody else can see what I do, it’s my duty to keep writing. Today was typical in that once again, someone who knows nothing told me that I’m wrong. He obviously never heard of the Battle of Midway (June 4 to June 7, 2023).

Before I describe what I’m talking about, I need to tell my new Arab readers that I support both Israel and the Arab League. I make no distinction between those who fight to improve. Maybe you’ve never met someone who supports Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, and the people of Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen.

Well, now you have.

Here’s the exchange I had. For the two hundredth time.


The enemies of Israel are terrorists and Europe. That’s what I mean by “defeated.” Israel has won her Battle of Midway. But the Arab League has also defeated her enemies—Russian and Persian imperialism. The fighting will continue, but the wars are won.

Battle of Midway

Between June 4 and June 7, 1942, the Americans inflicted fatal damage on the Japanese navy. Japan lost too many pilots, commanders, naval aviation maintenance crews, and aircraft carriers to replace. From June 7, 1942, the outcome of World War II was decided. However, the most brutal fighting still lay ahead. The closer the Americans got to the Japanese home islands, the more troops were killed. The Battle of Okinawa was a bloodbath, costing the lives of 20,000 US service members and resulting another 26,000 being removed from battle for psychiatric reasons.

Israel and the Arab League have won their Battle of Midway. The enemies have lost so much that they can’t recover. But the fighting will go on. For how long?

My guess is not very long.

Battle for Iraq

People are posting photos and videos that claim to show Shia atrocities committed against the people of Fallujah. I won’t link to them because they’re fake. Here’s a fake video that I can show you. This is supposed to be Shia artillery barrages against Fallujah.

That’s computer-generated imagery (CGI). The artillery rounds are exploding in midair. I counted fifty-two rounds that were fired but only nineteen impacts on the ground. Impossible.

The accusation is that the Shia used multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) to bombard Fallujah. Well, below is video of a real Iraqi MLRS in action near Fallujah.

You can fire only one rocket at a time. In the fake Fallujah video, the rockets were flying in groups of eight. Also, a real rocket almost immediately becomes invisible in flight.

The camera was behind the rocket, but the motor winked out in less than a second.

There’s a concerted effort to prevent the right people from winning the battle. These identical tweets were posted on two different Twitter accounts.



There’s no evidence of the Iraqi army being “crushed” near Baiji. I’m sure that the photos date from 2014. The majority of the fake accusations are being deleted from Twitter. It’s clear that the Arab League is far superior to the US at countering online propaganda.

Battle in Syria

Here’s an interesting photo of special-operations forces (SOF) embedded with the Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD).


“Experts” say they’re western, but two are olive skinned. Those men are probably from the United Arab Emirates.


The third man wears Jordanian Special Forces camouflage.



But ethnicity and camouflage aren’t the only reasons why I think those are Arab strategic special operators. These troops have a weapon I’ve never seen before.


Although a Kurdish woman leads them, four of the men have not rolled up their sleeves, and at least three carry their rifles the way Saudi Special Forces have been trained to do so. Saudi Special Forces never roll up their sleeves.

The weapon marked with the red arrow is the strangest thing I’ve come across so far. It’s a combination of a recoilless rifle and a rocket launcher. The man carrying the weapon has a rocket for it in his left hand. Two others others carry the same munition.

Superficially the weapon is a near-duplicate of the US M18 recoilless rifle, a 57mm weapon.

57mm Recoilless Rifle

However, I’m sure that the new weapon has a caliber of 90mm.

The rockets aren’t loaded into the launcher; instead, they’re attached to the rear in the manner of the US Marine Corps MK-153 Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon (SMAW).

This is the reusable SMAW launcher.


And this is the SMAW with the rocket container (red arrow) attached.


At least three of the men in the group below are Saudi professional strategic special operators: the rocketeers and a noncommissioned officer.


That rocket launcher is very long for a reason. It’s probably used to fire the hypersonic rockets we’ve seen in Syria and Iraq.

A long barrel would protect the operator from the rocket back-blast. You can see from the photo that the weapon is shiny and new. I looked all day, but I can’t find any information on such a device. Its more new technology that only Israel and the Arab League have.

Battle continues

I’m positive that these are Arabs, not westerners.


For one thing, they’re doing something useful. American Special Forces are kept far from the front lines, and they don’t seem to be either training or advising anyone.

Remember: Arab League strategic special operators use chaos, confusion, and deception as weapons. I have no doubt that the incident below is part of the plan.


A colonel of the Saudi Special Forces wouldn’t lose his insignia. I doubt he’d even wear rank insignia while in Iraq. One of the reasons that Saudi strategic special forces are so effective is that they have extremely high morale. One of the reasons that they have extremely high morale is that their officers fight next to them.

Below are Saudi special operators in Qamislo, helping defeat Bashar al-Assad’s Iranian allies.



And here’s a gray-haired Saudi colonel running like the wind. He’s as fit as a man half his age.


There’s nothing better for unit cohesion than for officers to take the same risks as the men. The Saudi and Emirati Special Forces pay for it in much higher death rates for their officers, but they feel that the sacrifice is worth it.

Since the plan is to free the entire Middle East, I have to agree with them.

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