Thomas Wictor

Archive for January, 2015

What about Officer Franck Brinsolaro?

I hate when life-and-death issues become trendy fads. The world is lauding Officer Ahmed Merabet, who was killed by two inbred, moron terrorists as he lay helpless on the sidewalk. Why is nobody talking about Officer Franck Brinsolaro, a policeman assigned to protect Charlie Hebdo editor Stephane Charbonnier? Look at the Google search results. There…


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A death richly deserved

Amedy Coulibaly was the terrorist who took hostages at a Hyper Cacher (“Super Kosher”) supermarket in Porte de Vincennes on January 9, 2015. Coulibaly was a career criminal, a Muslim convert, and a first-class buffoon who had no idea what he was doing. He richly deserved what happened to him. First, a note to the…


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Romance, rescue, and revenge

As far back as I can remember, I’ve been deeply affected by tales of romance, rescue, and revenge. It’s not a mystery why: We yearn for that which eludes us. I experienced true romance just once. It was only three years, and it ended more than two decades ago, but it still visits me in…


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The world is not required to defend Islam

I remember 9/11 as though it happened yesterday. My mother woke my brother Tim and me up by standing in our garden and shouting, “Terrorists have attacked the World Trade Center, and the Twin Towers have collapsed!” The very next day, American politicians took to the airwaves to defend Islam. Why? If I were president…


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Stop glorifying inbred, moron terrorists

Ever since I can remember, the press has been deeply in love with Muslim terrorists. Inadequate, angry, regimented losers identify with the alleged courage of those who murder the defenseless. Today I’ve been sickened by the portrayal of the moron terrorists who killed twelve at the offices of Charlie Hebdo. These are not “highly trained…


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I lied: Pierre Rehov and I are making a movie

On November 9, 2014, I wrote that Pierre Rehov would not make a documentary that included my research into Palestinian hoaxes perpetrated during Operation Protective Edge. I lied. Mr. Rehov actually agreed to make the film, but he asked me to announce that the documentary would not be made. This was to allow his camera…


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If you kill enough of them

One of my heroes is General Curtis LeMay, United States Air Force. He’s more than a hero, actually: He’s a role model. When asked how to win against a determined, ruthless enemy, LeMay said, “If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting.” I believe we’re starting to see the fruits of that approach in…


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The church of the poisoned mind

Before I began writing blog posts defending Israel, I had no contact with Jew-haters. Now, Jew-haters contact me. All the time. Because of their own words, I’ve come to believe that all opposition to Israel is based on Jew-hate. I didn’t think that before June of 2014. These people belong to the church of the…


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I must apologize for not keeping up on the e-mail correspondence and Facebook postings. This is a very difficult time for me, and it’s all because of a cat! Actually, Brother Cat is just symbolic of the leitmotifs that have defined me. A lot more is going on, but the damn cat is at the…


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I live in a portal to hell

After twenty years here, I can say without fear of contradiction that my city is a portal to hell. There’s always hip-hop music playing (Doom! Doom-doom! Doom! Doom-doom!), car alarms going off, cars crashing, fireworks exploding, dogs barking, and people shouting unintelligible phrases over over. “Byoo drawer deh! Byoo drawer deh! Byoo drawer deh! Byoo…


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