Thomas Wictor

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Best video of Arab League special forces in Syria

I’ve found the best video of Arab League strategic special forces in Syria. It explains in four minutes and forty-five seconds why the new type of soldier continues to win every battle. Begin by watching it. There is SO much in this video. We’ll take each point one at a time. Best soldiers The Arab…


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Doomsday deferred at almost the last minute

“Doomsday Deferred” is brilliant short story from 1949. Author Will F. Jenkins (real name Murray Leinster) writes of a butterfly collector who goes to Brazil to find an especially rare specimen. When a peasant hands over thousands of cocoons and says “his friends” found them, the collector becomes suspicious. It turns out that the Brazilian…


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Iran is directly arming the Islamic State

“Idée fixe” is a term that everybody should know. It means a viewpoint that will never change. One such idée fixe is that terrorist groups with opposing ideologies will never work together. This is false. Because they have converging interests, terrorists engage in “coopetition” or “cooperative competition.” I knew that Iran supported the Islamic State….


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Rules of engagement must be changed to defeat terrorism

Terrorists attacked Istanbul Attatürk Airport today, using assault rifles and suicide bombs to kill at least thirty-six people. Dozens more are wounded. A troubling video emerged: Despite the decades of violence, it seems that too many security forces still don’t react efficiently. The world must adopt new rules of engagement that allow security forces to…


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Commando operation in Syria captured on video

Below is an extremely confusing video that’s almost impossible to figure out. However, once you understand various aspects, you’ll agree with me that we’re seeing commando action in Syria. My guess is that a Russian military adviser was the target. It’s actually quite chilling to see how easily the unidentified commandos struck. This is the…


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Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary solutions

Today an angry man contacted me. He said that I have no right to post my theories about what Saudi Arabia is doing in the Middle East. Since he claims to be active-duty Saudi Special Forces, that would seem to give weight to his words. However, he’s wrong. Everybody who reads my posts knows that…


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Secrets and lies define the wars in the Middle East

When I write my posts, I’m careful to not explain too much. I talk about good news from open sources. Also, the people I mention can always say, “He’s completely insane.” I’m not disclosing secrets that the enemy can use. Believe me, the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and Hezbollah are fully aware of what’s happening to…


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Stealth is not a violation of international humanitarian law

When Operation Iraqi Freedom began, I sat in front of my television for three weeks, watching the war in real time. I thought that it was a good idea to embed journalists with the troops so that the world could see that the US was not committing atrocities. Well, I was wrong. The Arab League…


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American response versus Arab League response to attacks

In Syria, Russia decided to once again test so-called American resolve. On June 16, 2016, Russian aircraft dropped cluster munitions on US-backed rebels in al-Tanf. The bombers were the Su-34 Fullback. To protect the rebels, the US scrambled two F/A-18 Super Hornet fighters from an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. The US pilots contacted the…


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Everything they’re telling you about Iraq is a lie

Last night I posted evidence that Iraqi security forces in Fallujah have military advisers from the Eritrean 525th Commando Division. I knew that the Arab League would not allow the massacre of Sunni civilians. So, what about the al-Hashd al-Shaabi, the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU)? The global media claims that PMU is committing wide-scale…


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