Thomas Wictor

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Words mean nothing to me. Only actions count

At some point in my lifetime, words became the only thing that people care about. What he or she does is not relevant. Words are now more evil than murder. She’s talking about the Brussels suicide bombings of March 22, 2016. Of course this is utterly moronic. Would a Muslim rather read “#StopIslam” or die…


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Reason I write my posts: I take this personally

In the past twelve hours, 20,000 visitors came to my Website. The vast majority of these people are from the Middle East. To my new readers: The reason I write obsessively about terrorism is that I survived the Regent’s Park bombing in London on July 20, 1982. It ruined my life. Because of the Provisional…


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Hezbollah has fallen into the Arab League trap

I’ve been dying to talk about this, but I generally refrained. Now that Arab social media has picked up the story, I can discuss my theory of how the Arab League is destroying Hezbollah in Syria. Mythological Hezbollah The Second Lebanon War (July 12 to August 14, 2023) was touted as a victory for Hezbollah….


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Technology and unbelievable courage will defeat all enemies

I’ve found a video that perfectly showcases the skill and courage that Arab League strategic special operators display when using their new technology. It’s not surprising that western military “experts” are unaware of the massive leap forward that Israel, the Arab League, and their allies have made in war-fighting. There was always an element of…


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Unskilled mass murderers versus professional warriors

Recently many thousands of Muslims began reading my posts. They should know that I don’t choose sides between different sects of Islam. All that matters to me is morality, honor, courage, and intent. My personal opinion—based on evidence—is that the various sects of Islam are now cooperating to defeat terrorism. The future of the Middle…


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Israeli Arab League weapons are the key to peace

Many people have asked me what I mean by “new Israeli Arab League weapons.” I wrote about them before, but this post will give you a timeline of the events that brought us to where we are today. Israeli research The new weapons depend on high speed and shock waves. Israeli scientists were looking for…


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Change in the Middle East is happening too rapidly to chart

One motivation behind the incredible change in the Middle East is self-interest. The region relies on tourism, and the oil-based economies are switching over to technology, manufacturing, and investment. Saudi Vision 2030 explains the plan. Peace and stability are necessary for the Middle East to survive. Just two Islamic State terrorist attacks wiped out the…


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Mediocre people usually hate the exceptional

I’ve never been competitive. Therefore I don’t understand the hostility that the mediocre feel for those who are far more skilled. I was a mediocre student who was accepted into college only because I sent in the strangest application that the school had ever seen. Since my grades were bad, and I didn’t belong to…


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Hiding everyone and everything in plain sight

Yesterday I had a typical conversation with someone who refuses to believe that the Arab League has created the best soldiers who ever lived. The man has no knowledge of munitions, weapons, training, tactics, or strategies, but he told me that I’m wrong. While I admit that I’m a very impatient person, I’m beginning to…


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Personal views on the Orlando mass shooting

I never tell people how and what to think. We now know that the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, was carried out by a Muslim American who had pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State. What follows are my personal views. For one, I’m not going to tell anyone to “stop blaming Islam.” Muslims will…


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