Thomas Wictor

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Bravest soldiers you’ll ever see are Arab special operators

I’ve found two videos that are beyond anything I’ve ever encountered. There’s now no doubt that the bravest soldiers in the world are Arab League strategic special operators. The videos also show that one man alone can defeat almost any number of enemies if he has the right weapons. Bravest sentries It’s relatively easy to…


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Liberation of Fallujah: a step by step analysis

You should be very angry. Evil people are doing everything in their power to mislead you so that they they can continue their enslavement of others. Iran, “human rights” groups, the press, and religious leaders are all lying to you. Let me explain the Third Battle of Fallujah, which will be the final liberation of…


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Putin was utterly destroyed by the Arab League

Last year US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said that Russia poses an existential threat to our country. What did we do about it? Nothing. What did the Arab League do about it? They handed Vladimir Putin such a thorough military defeat in Syria that the Russians have been reduced to performance art. Putin gets…


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Propaganda will eventually kill your own loved ones

In June of 2014, I began publicly defending Israel against the propaganda being spread all over the world. I did this because Israelis are innocent of the charges made against them. Then in March of 2015, I began defending the Arab League against the propaganda being spread about the Yemen war. I did so because…


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Battle of Midway has been won in the Middle East

As I get older, I become more impatient. Therefore I’m not actually the right person to be blogging about the great changes in the Middle East. But since nobody else can see what I do, it’s my duty to keep writing. Today was typical in that once again, someone who knows nothing told me that…


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Beware those with an agenda to demoralize and anger you

It’s not my place to tell Muslims how to think or feel. All I do is provide information that people can use to help make a better world. I support everyone who strives to improve. Therefore I need to say that you must beware of those with an agenda to destroy. They play on your…


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Collateral damage is rapidly becoming extinct

In military terminology, collateral damage is the deaths of civilians and the destruction of non-military objects. Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL) allows for the killing of civilians. Rule 14. Proportionality in Attack Launching an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a…


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Amateurs are never as good as the professionals

For a long time, I didn’t watch videos from the Syrian civil war. Even though I know a lot about military issues, I hate to see suffering. The Syrian civil war seemed to be nothing but untrained fanatics slaughtering everyone they could. But one day I saw a video that seemed to show a new…


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Warfare that requires soldiers with unprecedented skills

Major warfare has yet to be eliminated. But from a practical standpoint, nobody has ever had the courage to seriously try. It’s clear to me that the Arab League is not only making the attempt to end war in the region, I think that this effort will be successful. The main factor in ending war…


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Kinetic phase of a major Arab League military operation

The US military uses the “Continuum of Military Operations” to describe American war-fighting. It has six phases, at least two of which involve kinetic or combat operations. Phase 0: Shape the Environment. This phase involves those joint interagency and multinational activities conducted on an ongoing, routine basis to assure or solidify friendly relationships and alliances…


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