Thomas Wictor

Archive for October, 2014

The IDF killed no civilians in Gaza

Today I learned a fact that both exhilarated and depressed me. The exhilaration is the result of my faith in the Israeli Defense Forces being indisputably and permanently justified. However, I’m depressed because once again, prominent Israelis show me that they aren’t willing to debunk the lies that demonize and demoralize the fighting men and…


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Another reason you should never trust B’Tselem

B’Tselem is the “Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories,” as they call themselves in English. The organization a propaganda arm of the Palestinians. You should never trust them. Every single case they’ve used to beat Israel over the head is fraudulent. Their report of thirty-five people being killed in a four-story…


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Note to the media: Sorry, no interviews

Today one of my favorite columnists—James Delingpole—picked up the story of Operation Four Little Martyrs. That could mean that Israel’s name will soon be cleared. Media outlets are contacting me. I’m sorry to say that I’ll give no interviews on this. There are lots of reasons, but the main one is that the Israeli Defense…


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The shocking fraudulence of the TF1 News report

I wrote before about the TF1 News report on Operation Four Little Martyrs. It’s obvious that the piece is extremely dishonest. However, in a real X-Files moment, today I received some information from my contact “David,” whose name and whereabouts I don’t know. He sent me a photo and a casual message. Here’s “David’s” observation:…


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How and when did the boys on the Gaza beach die?

There’s really no doubt that Hamas murdered Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, Zakaria Bakr, and Mohammed Bakr in order to blame the Israeli Defense Forces. I’ve been trying to unravel what I call Operation Four Little Martyrs, because I knew instantly that the IDF would neither deliberately nor accidentally kill four boys on a Gaza beach….


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The Hamas beach operation: a correction and more evidence

The Hamas propaganda exercise that killed four boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014, is so complicated that I’ve gotten many things wrong. Readers have asked me to go back and correct earlier impressions, but that would be dishonest. Instead, I’ll continuously update “Timeline of the Hamas Gaza beach operation.” That will always have…


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Timeline of the Hamas Gaza beach operation

Text-only PDF of the timeline. Several people have asked me if I could create a timeline for the Hamas Gaza beach operation that killed Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, Zakaria Bakr, and Ismail Bakr on July 16, 2014. The Wall Street Journal confirmed my suspicions that this was a hoax, but that information was immediately buried….


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The Hamas Gaza beach operation grows in complexity

Yesterday I received the proof I needed that the French TF1 News footage allegedly shot on July 16, 2014, is fraudulent. It’s possible that the French reporters used two camera crews, but there’s no evidence of that. If they had used two camera crews, they edited their report to make it seem that only one…


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I’m living my favorite TV show

My favorite TV show of all time was The X-Files. There were episodes that were so brilliant that I hesitate to watch them again, for fear that they won’t be as great as I remember. The best episode is titled “All Souls.” It’s perfect because it has everything that moves me: pain, indescribable loss, letting…


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The IDF did not kill the boys on the Gaza beach

This post will prove to you that the Israeli Defense Forces did not kill the three running boys on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. Those boys were killed by Hamas. There’s no question. Since Hamas would not leave anything to chance, and since they’re demons in human form, I can state with confidence that…


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