Thomas Wictor

Antithesis: the exact opposite of something or someone

Antithesis: the exact opposite of something or someone

I love the word antithesis. Here’s a perfect example. This video is the antithesis of what you think.

No, the fat man did not knock out the other guy. In fact the fat man is lucky that he landed his first punch. Only that blow connected. That’s a “sucker punch”: You catch the target completely by surprise.

A right cross to the jaw.


After that, Fatso does not acquit himself well.

A grazing punch that hits the chest.


This punch completely misses the face.


Another grazing punch that hits the chest.


A kick with the toes that doesn’t land properly.


Finally a grazing kick that also mostly misses.


The fat man never knocked the other man unconscious.


Only the sucker punch allowed the fat man to land his many other incompetent blows. However, the fat man would be no match for one of my heroes.


One against a mob. He knocked down at least three dozen before the police arrived.

What we think we see is often the polar opposite of what happened.

Turkish antithesis

Turkey continues to tear itself to pieces. Behold a moronic fantasy.

A trio of Turkish helicopters filled with rebel forces buzzed the country’s Turquoise Coast below a waxing moon early Saturday as they homed in on their target: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

For the first time in more than 35 years, members of Turkey’s military were trying to forcibly overthrow their government.

As the small group of elite Maroon Beret soldiers on the Turkish Riviera staged their make-or-break mission to try to capture or perhaps kill the country’s democratically elected president, it seemed as if the coup plotters had the upper hand.

Yet the commandos who raided the resort where Mr. Erdogan had been staying missed their target. After a brief gun battle with his presidential security force, the rebels were repelled. Before they ever arrived, Mr. Erdogan had slipped away.

This reconstruction of the failed coup is based on interviews with Turkish and Western officials and Turkish citizens who took part in resisting the takeover.

The Maroon Berets are the Turkish Special Forces. They didn’t take part in the “coup.” Turkey is getting lost in its lies.


In fact guess which unit first spoke out against the coup?

Turkey’s armed forces do not condone the coup against the government, the commander of the special forces said, after a group the government has described as a small military faction said it had seized power.

General Zekai Aksakalli made the comment to broadcaster NTV, adding that the attempted coup would not succeed and that his special forces were in the service of the people.

In a real coup, three helicopters full of commandos would’ve known where their target was. They wouldn’t just go flying off, hoping to catch Erdoğan by accident.

Antithesis of reality

This video is fake. It’s supposed to be a helicopter gunship strafing a Turkish police armored car.

I count seven impacts below.

The size of the flashes means 30mm high-explosive incendiary armor piercing (HEIAP) ammunition. Each round should’ve made a hole this big.


However, we see no damage whatsoever to the pavement.


Once again, this is computer-generated imagery (CGI). The giveaway is that frames are doubled. Below is a gif with two consecutive frames. Watch the toggle bar.


Video-editing software doubles frames.



Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan knows full well what happened: A force infinitely more powerful than Turkey destroyed the nation’s corrupt intelligence organization and its utterly disunited armed forces. Because Erdoğan can no longer wreak havoc in the Middle East, he’s contenting himself with transforming Turkey into Erdoland.

The Turks claim that only a small faction of soldiers operating outside the chain of command carried out the coup attempt, right?

Here’s what Erdoğan has done in response so far.


This is why someone decided to knock Turkey out. The culture is too dysfunctional to help stabilize the Middle East. Too many Turks talk out of both sides of their mouths. If it was just a small faction, why the gigantic purge?

The short answers is, “Because we’re crazy!”

Antithesis of Turkey

Yesterday I posted about a munition that neutralized an Islamic State suicide vehicle borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED). Today I noticed something absolutely incredible about the video. It proves that I was right.

The SVBIED was a steel shipping container filled with ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO). This is what a much smaller ANFO VBIED did in Oklahoma City.


Below is the Islamic State SVBIED (green arrow) and a man who does not take cover (red arrow).


The munition punctures the SVBIED from behind and expels a jet of explosive vapor out the front. We see that the man still hasn’t taken cover. He has to have been involved in the destruction of the SVBIED.


When the SVBIED explodes, no shock wave hits the man.





The multiple warheads of the fuel-air explosive did indeed direct the shock wave downward and off to the side, away from the soldiers.

That man had faith in the munition, so he stood his ground. Faith gives you strength.


Both men defied the laws of physics. In the case of the man in Los Angeles, courage and skill allowed him to defeat as many as a hundred. As for the man who faced down the SVBIED, he had a job to do. My guess is that he felt obligated to make absolutely sure that the SVBIED could no longer harm the Iraqis. That’s why he didn’t take cover until after the explosion. His sense of duty guided him.

Antithesis of disunity

The men who don’t run from SVBIEDs in Iraq have many advantages. They’re trained to a level never before seen, and they have weapons and equipment that are decades ahead of what the rest of us use. Because they see the big picture, they can be set free to work alone, if necessary. An armed force must be absolutely unified in order for its members to operate as singletons.

I told my brother Tim that someone transformed Turkey into a circus act in only forty-five minutes.

“No,” he said. “Turkey was already a circus act. They hid it under a paper-thin veneer of rationality. But the insanity was right under the surface, ready to come out at any time.”

How right he was. The Turkish government issued this photo of the helicopter that an F-16 shot down after the gunship attacked a police station and killed seventeen officers.


As shocking as it may seem, that’s actually a photo of an American AH-64 Apache that crashed in Wonju, South Korea, on November 24, 2015.


The helicopter story originated with the people who carried out Operation Erdoland. It was propaganda. Now the Turks are putting out their own bargain-basement propaganda in a desperate attempt to paper over their madness.

Turkey is done. Don’t expect it to recover its senses in our lifetimes. But the Turks brought it on themselves, so their fate is more absurd than tragic.

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