Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Arab special forces’ Category

Advanced military technology as never seen before

I’ve found two videos that show incomprehensibly advanced Arab League weaponry. My guess is that the Israel Defense Forces used the same missiles in 2014, but there’s no footage. Syrian rebels take credit for the current attacks. The reason is that the Arab League prefers to fight secretly. Clandestine warfare has multiple advantages over public…


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Cops and robbers is the game they’re playing in Syria

In the US, the child’s game of Cops and Robbers is self-explanatory. Americans have a very ambiguous attitude toward criminals. In many ways, we idolize them. I think it’s the same in the Middle East. People romanticize jihadists for the same reasons that Americans admire gangsters. The rebel with a gun makes his own rules….


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Mistakes aren’t important. Learning from them is what matters

Last night I wrote about Sunni military advisers helping the majority Shia Iraqi security forces (ISF) in Fallujah. Well, today I discovered that the Iraqis’ predicament was much worse than reported. They made a lot of mistakes when entering Fallujah. But that isn’t really a major problem. When the Iraqis found themselves in terrible trouble,…


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Sunni Muslim military advisers during the Battle of Fallujah

Sunni Muslim military advisers are in Iraq, helping the majority Shia security forces defeat the Islamic State. An Iraqi judicial councilman confirmed this. In addition, the Saudis are training and equipping Shia fighters. Below are Yemenis who the Saudis trained and equipped. And these are men of Moqtada al-Sadr’s Peace Brigades. The old ways are…


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Missiles that discourage, dissuade, intimidate—but do not kill

People tell me that my theories are very hard to accept. I understand. The reason I sound insane is that nobody in history has vaulted so far into the future as quickly as the Arab League. Tonight I can finally prove to you that I was correct. The Arab League is using missiles to wage…


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Follow the money: How liars profit from death and suffering

The 1976 movie All the President’s Men popularized the phrase “Follow the money.” I’ve never actually seen the film. However, if one does follow the money—meaning determines who benefits from a situation—everything becomes clear. Latin: Cui bono? Who stands to gain? Always ask yourself that. Follow the propaganda Before I continue, I have to say…


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Days of miracle and wonder ensure that the future is very bright

I’m not a fan of Paul Simon, but his song “The Boy in the Bubble” is perfect. It has one of my favorite lines: “These are the days of miracle and wonder.” Though it may be hard to believe, this is one of the most momentously positive periods in human history. We’re seeing lasting solutions…


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Destroying military objects instead of people is how to win wars

Dreamers try to eliminate war. Pragmatists have figured out how to fight and win wars. The solution is destroying military objects, not people. Military objects include weapons, equipment, supplies, transportation, headquarters, and commanders. The Arab League and its allies don’t consider the average enemy soldier a military object. This new approach to warfare is the…


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Everybody is spouting total nonsense about the Middle East

There are no outside experts on the Middle East. The reason is that the old Middle East disappeared. It secretly passed out of existence in October of 2015. As a result, everybody is still reacting to an utterly dead paradigm. I myself realized the truth only because I study warfare. Munitions don’t lie. Everybody is…


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MOUT: military operations on urban terrain. Not for lunatics

Nearly all of the combat taking place in the Middle East is MOUT: military operations on urban terrain. Soldiers must undergo extensive training in order to succeed at MOUT. The Los Angeles Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) taught the US military the MOUT techniques that all modern armed forces use. You’ve seen them…


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