Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Arab special forces’ Category

Phony Syrian rebels reveal unbelievably powerful weapon

The Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement (Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki) are Syrian jihadists. This group is phony in the sense that it utterly lacks fighting skills. The US pretended to arm these fighters with BGM-71 TOW antitank guided missiles. However, the videos show that the men firing the missiles are actors. In reality, Arab League professional…


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Plan for the liberation of Syria takes giant step forward

A siege is an “investment,” the military process of surrounding of a position. Bashar al-Assad’s forces and the Russians imposed a siege on the city of Aleppo during an offensive code-named Castello Operation, which cut off the city by July 7, 2016. On August 31, “rebels” launched a counteroffensive that broke the siege in less…


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Hoplology prevents me from being fooled into panicking

Everyone should study hoplology, the science of combat. A good hoplologist can tell you about the video below. It’s said to show a Russian precision air strike on a tank of the Levant Conquest Front in Aleppo. The reporter is from al Jazeera. What actually happened is that the tank fired its main gun. That’s…


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Rebel groups in Syria are phantoms. We now have the proof

I should’ve done this a long time ago. Today I saw an amazing video. As a result, I finally determined how one becomes an expert with the American BGM-71 TOW antitank guided missile (ATGM). The only conclusion I can draw is that the vast majority of the rebel groups in Syria are mirages. Professional soldiers…


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Explosives that win wars by killing only those who require it

At last we have a video that shows how the new Israeli Arab League munitions work. These are fuel-air explosives (FAE) that the user can adjust in many ways. Multiple warheads inside the munitions change the intensity and direction of the shock wave. Before we study the proof of what I’ve been saying, first we’ll…


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Theater in the Middle East is impossible to decipher

As art forms, I prefer film to theater. I’ve attended only four plays in my life. However, the Arab League theater in the Middle East is incredibly entertaining. I’ve figured out some of it, but most will remain hidden forever. All I can say for sure is that this is not happening. I’ve traced direct…


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Treasure hunt is the best way to describe the Middle East

Edgar Wallace wrote a great short story titled “The Treasure Hunt,” about a British private detective named J. G. Reeder. It’s an allegory for what’s happening in the Middle East. Treasure and underestimation J. G. Reeder is past fifty. Small and slightly overweight, he’s put many men in prison during his career. In 1914, a…


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Aleppo becomes second showcase for new Arab League weapons

The Arab League is probably in the process of liberating Aleppo. I can think of no other reason why we would see another dramatic demonstration such as the one below. A high velocity penetrating weapon (HVPW) caused the explosion in Faj Attan, Yemen, on April 20, 2015. It’s a hypersonic missile that uses both kinetic…


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Proof that the Arab League uses weapons designed to not kill

For the first time, we can make a side-by-side comparison between weapons that kill and those that destroy only military objects. I’ve theorized that the Arab League uses new munitions. However, now I can erase all doubt. By the end of this post, you’ll agree with me that the Arab League has pioneered a new…


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Stolen dreams is why I write about the Middle East

Authoritarianism results in stolen dreams. Recently tens of thousands of Middle Easterners began reading my blog. A few days ago I saw a video that profoundly moved me. It made me finally realize why I write so much about the Middle East. Stolen for fun I’ve had a terrible life. There’s no need to go…


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