Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Current events (sorta)’ Category

Anger would prevent me from wielding power responsibly

Because of my anger, it’s impossible for me to tolerate liars and the stupid. If I became the American president, this is how conversations would go. Prime Minister X: Mr. President, we need your help in fighting these terrorists. Me: I’m sorry. Military action is out of the question. We might accidentally harm civilians. The…


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Turks heed the warning they received, as I knew they would

There’s no doubt that the July 15, 2016, “attempted coup” in Turkey was in fact a military operation. Somebody wanted the Turks to stop doing destructive things. Turkey is a former empire. All former empires—except Great Britain—want to relive their glory days. The easiest way to become “important” on the world stage is to cause…


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Alone? I’m anything but. The right people are on my side

In 2014, an Iranian-American journalist named Ali Gharib lied to me in order to get an interview. His goal was to discredit me because I was debunking Palestinian propaganda. A clinical psychologist named Michael Shaw violated all the rules of his profession by insinuating that I hallucinate. Both Gharib and Shaw succeeded in destroying my…


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Terrorism always becomes an end in itself. Murder is the goal

“Experts” don’t know a thing about terrorism. The conventional wisdom is that poor, angry people take up arms in desperation. Nothing can be further from the truth. In reality, most terrorists simply enjoy exerting power over others. The longer a terrorist organization exists, the more savage it becomes. This proves that the members get jaded….


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Rigidity is the reason that the west is in so much trouble

I’ll admit that I’m hostile to tradition. This is a deficit on my part. There’s nothing wrong with tradition itself. However, it too often becomes rigidity, which is the bane of western civilization. Implacable rigidity I had a surreal exchange on Twitter that exemplifies the rigidity that cripples westerners. A man wants the US military…


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Stolen dreams is why I write about the Middle East

Authoritarianism results in stolen dreams. Recently tens of thousands of Middle Easterners began reading my blog. A few days ago I saw a video that profoundly moved me. It made me finally realize why I write so much about the Middle East. Stolen for fun I’ve had a terrible life. There’s no need to go…


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Defeat the enemy without giving him a reason to rise again

Although I’ve studied warfare for over forty years, I was wrong about how to defeat the enemy. This is what I used to believe. This is actually not true. Killing large numbers of combatants causes trauma that will never heal. Death is the main reason that the western powers can’t create peace in any region…


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Washington Post becomes propaganda arm of the Islamic State

I learned during the 2014 Gaza war that western journalists support jihadist terrorists. The main reason is bigotry. Western journalists don’t see jihadist terrorists as adults with the same brains as non-Muslim Europeans and Americans. To the average western journalist, Muslims are cute little aboriginals who can’t really do any harm. This is why the…


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Intuition is a skill that almost anybody can easily learn

An ability to know something without requiring proof or evidence. That’s intuition. I do use evidence for my micro-theories. For example, when I wrote that Israel and the Arab League jointly developed new weapons. First I saw a video. The soldier walked away uninjured. Because the video purports to show an American BGM-71 TOW antitank…


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Echolalia is a disorder. Get some help so that you can stop

In the last few years of his life, my father developed echolalia. “Where are you going?” I’d ask. “Where are you going?” he’d answer. Echolalia is the mindless repetition of what others say. My father had diabetes that he refused to manage. It wreaked havoc with his thought processes. The rest of you have no…


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